If a child does not want to see his grandmother and says that he does not love her, this situation must be sorted out. Surely there is some explanation for this behavior of the baby.

Why is this happening?
Remember that a child's attitude towards the world is based on emotions and experiences. You do not need to think that your baby hates his grandmother, it is quite possible that he will gossip and just be capricious. In his understanding, “I don’t love” may be “I don’t want now”, “I want to stay with my mother,” “I love less than …” or something else.
If your child expresses who he loves and whom he does not like, you should leave this right to him. You don't need to rape a young person, impose your point of view on him, or, even worse, punish and scold for it. Treat him like an adult and go for a serious conversation, during which, without aggression, find out why the baby does not love his grandmother. Perhaps he will share his thoughts with you, or even come to the conclusion that grandmother is not so bad, and he shouldn’t have slandered her in vain.
Nevertheless, despite the inconsistency of children and an incomplete understanding of some words, sometimes grandmothers do not really turn out to be loved. And then the main question arises: why is this happening?
Nobody likes angry and oppressive, punishing grandmothers trying to impose their opinions, forcing them to do something. If your grandmother is like that, you need to talk to her and help her understand that with such behavior she spoils the child's attitude towards herself.
If your grandmother lives too far away from you, the child will simply wean from her and cannot get used to when she is around. Moreover, if it is not the grandmother who comes to you, but you eat to visit yourself, a sharp change in the situation also affects the behavior of the baby.
Toddlers love positively emotional people who are drawn to them and show great attention. If the grandmother is the owner of a cold and calm character, the child may perceive such behavior as indifference.
How do I fix it?
First of all, the grandmother needs to think about her behavior. An authoritarian older woman should try to soften a little. The one who lives far away needs to talk to the child more often and send him gifts so that the child remembers her. A calm grandmother needs to try to find an approach to the baby, because children love when they talk to them, watch cartoons with them, play their favorite games or toys.
Do not forget that absolutely all children love gifts. For an adult, a small donated toy is a trifle, because there is already a whole bunch in the house, but for a small one, each toy is a big event. And if you can give your kid the toy that he has asked his parents for a long time, he will be delighted.
Remember that you should never blackmail a child. It is important that the grandmother is a friend, with whom it is interesting to play and to whom you always want to visit.