Why Doesn't The Child Laugh

Why Doesn't The Child Laugh
Why Doesn't The Child Laugh

You don't have to invent something extraordinary to make your child laugh. Children laugh not only from joy, but also from pleasant communication, pleasure from the game or … just from life. Sometimes they first start laughing, and only then they look for an appropriate reason - to explain to those around them their unexpected fun.

Why doesn't the child laugh
Why doesn't the child laugh

The human body has a special hormone that is responsible for laughter. This is endorphin. The peculiarity of the child's body is that it is capable of producing the hormone endorphin in greater quantities than an adult. And yet … Some parents are worried about the question - why the child does not laugh. This is especially true when the baby did not experience severe mental trauma, was brought up in an ordinary family. Where, then, is the infectious laughter of children? Where did he go? Why can't you hear it? Children's laughter is a clear signal to parents that the child is doing well. When such a signal is not received, the parental excitement about this is understandable. This is a normal adult reaction. Unfortunately, the concern is not in vain. Endorphin has another common name - the "well-being" hormone. A deficiency can greatly affect the mental health of a toddler. In any case, it is best to consult a child psychologist. Why isn't the child laughing? One of the main reasons may be excessive control over the behavior of your child and your own behavior. The child is extremely sensitive to the state of mind of the parents. He quickly adopts "decent" behavior and also begins to over-control his feelings. However, he rarely expresses them out loud. Sometimes it happens that the baby is “too happy”. However, he is immediately pulled back, calling for "order", under the pretext that he looks too stupid. Subsequently, the child begins to independently restrain his emotions, showing excessive self-control - so as not to seem stupid and ridiculous in the eyes of the parents. Sometimes it happens that the child's thoughts do not correspond to the current situation. What seems to another funny, emotional baby may seem sad and even deplorable. For example, when the guys bring an unhappy kitten to class for fun, everyone will have fun, and your child will feel sorry for him. If adults are stingy with parental feelings, then you can hardly expect a different reaction from the child. Even children under one year old can be gloomy, unsmiling and detached from the world around them. In such cases, parents should think about whether the child has enough of their attention, whether they create all the conditions for the baby to be joyful and cheerful.
