Does your baby upset you with his disobedience? Are you baffled by his often repeated whims? Do you think that the child is doing everything to spite you? It's time to take a closer look at the situation!

If the child does not obey, first of all, try to understand the reasons for this behavior. They can be different and depend on the age of the baby. If your baby is a year old or a little older, and he is already giving you serious problems with his hyperactivity, most likely the whole point is in your baby's high curiosity. At this age, children begin to actively learn about the world around them, the task of adults is not to suppress these attempts by strict "no", but to help the child correctly navigate the things that surround him.
It is important to understand that the baby still lacks an internal barrier that prevents him from committing wrong actions from the point of view of an adult. Do not scold your fidget in vain; instead, try to explain to him in an understandable language what is good and what is bad. Be patient, over time your baby will begin to be more aware of the world around him.
What to do if a child who is 2-3 years old does not obey? The same as in relation to a one-year-old capricious. But in this case, it is also worth considering the new age characteristics of the baby's development. About three years, the formation of the child's "I" begins, which is reflected in his behavior.
The crisis of 3 years is a rather serious milestone in the psychological development of a child, after passing which he will be able to identify himself as a person. Get ready for the emergence of the so-called "self", when your baby will strive to do everything himself. Do not hinder him in this, even if you are sure in advance that he will not be able to do everything as it should. Encourage the child's initiative, encourage him, it is at this age that the foundations of self-confidence and self-confidence are laid. Of course, do not forget that you are still a kind of censor for the child's actions, explain to him in an accessible way what is good and what is bad.
At an older preschool age, at 4-6 years old, a naughty child may have bad behavior due to a desire to attract attention to himself, due to being spoiled or a need for self-affirmation. Analyze your relationship with your baby: are you spending enough time with him, did you choose too authoritarian style of parenting? Perhaps, on the contrary, your child is accustomed to increased attention to his person and is now manipulating you the way he wants.
How to teach a child to be obedient? Motivate your little one to do good behavior! Talk to him more often, read instructive stories and fairy tales, draw the child's attention to how other good children behave. Do not use physical punishment under any circumstances, otherwise you will not avoid responding protest behavior.
When parenting, parents should be prepared for the fact that they will have to show a lot of patience, understanding and wisdom until their child firmly assimilates all the generally accepted rules of behavior in society.