Children's laughter pleases any adult. At the same time, not every adult understands why a child laughs, and how to make him laugh. If the thinking of an adult is understandable for most people, and everyone knows what adults laugh at, then the reasons for the fun of a small child are not open to everyone. In this article, we'll show you how to make your child laugh and what determines his sense of humor at different stages of development.

Step 1
Babies start laughing two to three months after birth - usually the laughter of babies expresses their good mood, joy, satisfaction and reaction to the pleasant sensations delivered by their mother. If you want to make a very young child laugh, kiss him or throw him up - he will not perceive this action as funny, but he will laugh, as he will experience pleasant sensations.
Step 2
At nine months, the child already begins to understand and be aware of the surrounding objects. Start playing hide and seek with your child - hide toys and things from him, asking where they disappeared. Hide your or your baby's arms under the covers. You can also cover your face with your hands and “hide”.
Step 3
The hidden object should be in the baby's field of vision - then he will not feel anxiety, but will enjoy his "searches". Such pretend hide and seek will make the kid laugh.
Step 4
At this age, the child begins to understand the relationship of cause and effect. You can tickle him and the child will laugh. At an older age, promise your baby that you will tickle him, and he will laugh at one promise of tickling.
Step 5
At the age of one, the baby acquires the ability to be surprised by the surrounding events when reality does not coincide with his expectations. If you accidentally drop a bag of things on the floor or stumble, the child will laugh, as this situation will be unexpected for him.
Step 6
At two years old, the child begins to form his own sense of humor - to pretend to be talking on the phone, putting a spoon or comb to his ear. Replacing the object with its symbol, the child enters a new level of development.
Step 7
At two or three years old, the baby is able to joke on his own and to entertain others - to hide, unexpectedly jump out of the "ambush", call parents and relatives funny names, come up with his own jokes. With the help of humor, a small child can defuse a tense situation.
Step 8
Use humor with your child in important situations - for example, when the child is learning how to behave at the table or learning to walk and dress independently. Jokes will relieve tension and anxiety.