A cheerful person will be able to cheer up anyone and by any means. Including you can make a girl laugh by SMS, if you learn to express thoughts in short, capacious phrases.

Step 1
Analyze the girl's mood. The darker her thoughts of you, the more difficult the task. Most likely, in this situation, you will not get off with one SMS. Before you make a girl laugh, you will have to beg her forgiveness, even if she is to blame for the conflict.
Step 2
Discard collections of anecdotes. Most likely, the girl also read or heard them. The joke must be unexpected, otherwise there will be no effect.
Step 3
Take a close look at your surroundings. Small details, seemingly mundane, are revealed from a new side, if you just look at them more closely. For example, read store signs. Gone are the Soviet times, when the requirements for literacy of the text were tantamount to state laws. Analyze the errors, type the read text, save them and send them to the girl.
Step 4
Don't limit yourself to reading. Listen and watch what is happening around you. Notice funny patterns and snippets of people passing by. Quote them in SMS.
Step 5
Use all facets of humor. Laughter is a defensive reaction to both logical absurdity and, in general, to any thought or phenomenon that a person cannot admit or accept. But in a specific case, the jokes should be kind: “I miss you. I can't even eat my favorite chocolate out of boredom. " Consider the peculiarities of the girl's humor. If you don't know her well, use neutral jokes, feel the soil and the boundaries of what is permitted: “I'm going to your house with a guitar. Come out to the balcony, I will sing serenades until you forgive."