One of the ways to impress a girl you like and get in her eyes the halo of a witty, not boring guy is to make her laugh. But everyone has their own preferences in humor, as well as in music, and in the habits of spending free time.

Step 1
In order not to disappoint the girl and not make yourself look like a jester, think about what she might like. You can forget about old anecdotes, collect your collection of jokes and gags from trendy youth humorous programs.
Step 2
If you do not know her preferences, then it is better not to tell jokes on the verge of a foul. Joke on neutral topics.
Step 3
Insert a joke into the conversation if it is relevant at the moment.
Step 4
Sing for her to the sound of a music box some romantic nonsense about her beauty, even if a bear stepped on your ear in early childhood and stomped on it for a long time.
Step 5
Invite her to dance in the middle of the street by playing her favorite song on your player or mobile phone. This will let the girl know that you, among other things, also belong to the endangered tribe of romantics.
Step 6
Tell about the funniest incident from your childhood, or a recent incident, in a lively, vivid language, exaggerate, laugh at the situation. In the end, turn such a serious matter as ordering food in a restaurant into a whole comic ritual, even if you just order a cup of tea. Do not go too far, you do not need to disgust the girl with food.
Step 7
Do not make a gross mistake, do not be intrusive and do not insert jokes every two words. In this case, you simply risk that the girl will get up and leave without waiting for a more serious topic of conversation.
Step 8
If you turn a date into a clowning, then you will be guilty yourself if they stop taking you seriously. If you become the reason for the fun, and not your actions and words, then nothing good will come of your relationship in the future, as you will lose your partner's respect.