For a child aged 1-1.5 years, a special diet must be observed. Many mothers have the question of what to cook so that it is both tasty and healthy. A few simple recipes will help you solve this problem.

Carrot salad
Small carrots should be washed and peeled. After that, it is finely rubbed on a medium grater, granulated sugar is added and seasoned with sour cream. For 100 g of carrots you will need: 10 g of sour cream, 5 g of granulated sugar.
Green salad
Lettuce leaves are carefully sorted out. The sticks should be separated. The leaves are washed in cool running water. After that, they are finely chopped. Fresh cucumber is washed and peeled. It should be finely chopped and mixed with leaves and a chopped chicken egg. Salad is dressed with kefir or sour cream. For cooking, you will need: 1/4 egg, 50 g of cucumbers, 3-4 lettuce leaves, 10 ml of kefir or sour cream.
Beetroot Cranberry Salad
Beets must be washed, peeled and boiled in slightly salted water. After that, it is finely rubbed and seasoned with cranberry juice, sugar syrup and cream. To prepare this salad, you will need: 100 g of beets, 5 ml of sugar syrup, 10 g of cream, 5 ml of cranberry juice.
Semolina soufflé
A viscous porridge should be cooked from milk and semolina. After that, butter is added, and the whole consistency is whipped well. Let the porridge cool slightly and add 1 chicken egg. Fresh apple must be washed, peeled, cut into pieces and boiled in water. Combine ready-made apples with semolina and pour sugar syrup over everything. The resulting mass is transferred to an enamel dish, greased with butter. The soufflé is prepared on a steam bath for 30-40 minutes. To prepare it, the following ingredients are required: 1/4 pc. chicken eggs, 5 g butter, 100 ml milk, 10 g semolina, 50 g apples, 10 ml sugar syrup.
The finished semolina soufflé should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.
Meat broth
For a child, it is preferable to cook meat broth from beef meat (sternum, shoulder blade). It can also be made from poultry or meat bones. Bones or meat should be rinsed well with water before boiling. First, the meat is boiled for 5-7 minutes. Then washed and cooked until tender. About 40 minutes before the end of cooking, add onions, white celery roots, carrots to the broth. Onions should not be completely peeled and chopped. Remove only the top layer of the skin from it.
Rinse the onion well with cool water.
Celery and carrots are peeled, washed with cold running water and cut in half lengthwise. Before placing them in a boiling broth, they are fried in a dry frying pan until golden brown. The broth is salted 20-30 minutes before cooking. For cooking you will need: 10 g of vegetables, 300 ml of water, 50 g of meat, 1.5 g of salt.