What Literature On Child Psychology Is Worth Reading

What Literature On Child Psychology Is Worth Reading
What Literature On Child Psychology Is Worth Reading

The choice of literature on child psychology depends on what? who the reader is - a parent or a teacher, on the age of the child, as well as on which child the lessons are to be conducted - with normal development or with any developmental disability. But there are great books on child psychology that everyone should read.


Literature for parents

Regardless of who chooses literature - a teacher or a parent, it is always worth starting with the classics of pedagogy and psychology - L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leontiev, M. Montessori.

Lev Semenovich Vygotsky, a famous Soviet psychologist, developed a cultural-historical theory in psychology.

The works of these famous psychologists will be useful to everyone.

Alexander Nikolaevich Leontiev is a Soviet psychologist, philosopher and teacher. He dealt with problems of general psychology (memory, attention, personality, etc.). Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. One of the leaders of the Kharkov Psychological School

Also, parents should read the works of Janusz Korczak (for example, "How to Love a Child"), "Communicate with a Child. How?" Julia Gippenreiter, "Mother's Love" and "The Tangles of Mother's Love" by Anatoly Nekrsov, "Education Based on Common Sense" by Ray Burke and Ron Herron, "How to Raise a Happy Child" by Jean Ledloff, Françoise Dolto "On the Side of the Child" and "On the Side of the Teenager ".

Maria Montessori is an Italian doctor, teacher, psychologist, scientist, philosopher. She was distinguished by a high humanistic position.

Janusz Korczak is a famous Polish writer, teacher, doctor. During the occupation of Poland by Nazi Germany, Korczak heroically fought for the lives of children in the Warsaw ghetto; died in the gas chambers along with 200 of his pupils.

The works of the Nikitin family and the Belgian mother Cecile Lupan are of great practical interest in child psychology and pedagogy.

Specialized literature

For parents experienced in child psychology, books on fairy tale therapy by Tatyana Zinkovich-Evstegneeva ("Fundamentals of Fairy Tale Therapy", "Workshop on Fairy Tale Therapy" and "Path to Magic"), Dmitry Sokolov "Patchwork or Zen-style psychotherapy" will be of interest. It is useful to get used to sand therapy according to the books of Khomenko "Sand Magic", Bolshebratskaya "Sand therapy".

Of great interest is the series of books "Development of the Child's Personality", on which a number of authors have labored. This book provides specific advice on parenting. Zazhigina's book “What parents shouldn't do, but what they do anyway” also provides practical recommendations.

It is worth reading the book "Children with Autism" by Peter Sutmari, written in a wonderful artistic style. Moreover, it may be of interest not only to parents of special children, but also to a wider circle of readers.
