What If My Child Doesn't Like Reading?

What If My Child Doesn't Like Reading?
What If My Child Doesn't Like Reading?

If you think your child doesn't like reading, stop fighting with him first. Excessive swearing on the topic of reading will only alienate a child from books, especially a teenager. Follow the guidelines below, and you may gradually notice how you love the books yourself. And, following your example, and the child.

What if my child doesn't like reading?
What if my child doesn't like reading?

Working as a school psychologist, I often hear a request from parents: "the child is not interested in reading, how to make him love books?" Dislike of reading really becomes a problem in school. A child simply will not be able to master the huge amount of material that is now taught in schools if he does not read. In addition, independent additional reading greatly expands the child's horizons, helps him to find a deep inner peace.

Let's think about why modern children do not like to read and how to change it?

First, change your position - you cannot "force" love, including books. And before you scold a child for lack of curiosity, think about how often you yourself read books? What's the last book you read? What do you do in your free time at home? If the parents themselves watch TV all the evenings, it is simply stupid to demand from the child that he will read at this time, and not look at the screen.

When a child learns a new skill, there is a certain pattern: first, the child sees how it is done; then he does it together with an adult and then performs the action himself. Mastering reading fits well with this scheme.

If you want to instill in your child a love of reading, start with yourself. Read it yourself first. Let your son or daughter see you reading. Discuss the content of what you read with your child.

It is much easier to make your child sit down to read a book with you than alone at once. Have family reading evenings with discussion on what you read. Reduce watching TV and playing computer games to a minimum (for both your child and yourself). Remember, first of all, you yourself must set an example of correct behavior: you yourself must read. It will be useless to scold the child (“Go read it already !!!”) when you don’t do it yourself, this is a fundamentally important point! Reading should be a family tradition, not a boring duty of a child at school.

Let your child choose books from the store. Buy a book for yourself, show him and offer to choose for yourself.

The sooner you think about instilling a love of reading in your child, the better. Ideally, you should think about this when the baby is still going to kindergarten. Read children's books together, learn poems, tell your baby that you have read interesting things yourself. The older the child becomes, the more difficult it is for him to start reading, because he does not have the habit of reading.
