Unrequited love brings a lot of worries, tears and sleepless nights to the fair sex. But if you look at the situation from a different angle, you will understand that the problem is not as bad as it seems.

If you have already figured out the relationship with each other and heard from a man that you are indifferent to him, check in practice the saying "out of sight - out of mind." Of course, it is difficult to completely erase a person from memory, but you can erase seemingly small details one step at a time. For example, delete a phone number, throw away his things if you have them, try not to visit places that remind you of him. Moreover, do not look for meetings with him on purpose, otherwise you risk leaving an unflattering impression of yourself.
When you’re done letting go of the things that bring you pain and empty hope, take care of yourself. Change something in your appearance, get a new thing, make a rearrangement in the house, lose a couple of pounds, or allow yourself some cute eccentricity that you always wanted to do. For example, learn a chapter from Eugene Onegin, paint white utensils with acrylics, or ride a horse if you've never been in the saddle before.
Communicate more with optimists. If your usual circle of friends has those who find themselves in the same situation, do not spend days and nights together wiping each other's tears. It is better to show by your own example that you are a self-sufficient and charming girl with an unbending core of will inside. Let this thought become a companion for you, and then loved ones will become proud of you, friends - shout "bravo", and unfamiliar men - turn around after you.
Finally, try to be humorous about the situation. Repeat to yourself that this is an isolated case when someone was so blind that they did not see the charms of your appearance and nature. In fact, there is nothing wrong with the fact that you are capable of a great and bright feeling. You are ready to give someone love and enjoy it, which means that Cupid is nearby and is already preparing arrows that will hit right on target.