Useful Literature For Parents

Useful Literature For Parents
Useful Literature For Parents

Raising a child is far from an easy job. As a rule, 90% of all knowledge, skills, character traits and behavior of a baby are laid in childhood under 6 years of age. That is why it is extremely important to provide the child with useful skills to the maximum during this age period.

Useful literature for parents
Useful literature for parents

Nikolaev A. How to teach a child to build sentences

The book is suitable both for children who are not lagging behind in speech development, and for babies who have problems with speaking. With the help of this book, you can easily teach your kid to make sentences correctly, to answer questions in detail. Also, the child will learn to ask questions correctly, fully and correctly retell what he has read or heard, characterize and comment on the information received. All learning takes place in a playful way, so the child learns it perfectly. Instructive funny tales and interesting stories are offered. This will not bother the child, it will help to constantly stir up interest in learning.

Ivanova L. Poems with movements. Finger games for children 1, 5-3 years old. - SPb.: Rech, 2011

The book is offered in a playful way. Perfect for children under 3 years old, especially for those who have problems with the development of speech. It is known that fine motor skills of the hands directly affect the formation of the baby's speech. Therefore, finger games for children from one and a half to three years will help in development.

Botyakova O. Yu. Mom's massage with nursery rhymes, 2010

The importance of massage for a child is undeniable, especially for children under 1 year old. The book presents the most popular and effective massage methods, as well as exercises for children in the first year of life. All this is done in the role of nursery rhymes, so the child will really like it. The book will be useful for parents, teachers, educators, as well as all those involved in the health and development of children in the first year of life. However, before starting to study this book, it is best to consult with a specialist.

Gurina I. We fall asleep, eat, listen to mom and dad. Helpful tips for all disobedience

Quite often, parents are faced with the problem of children's disobedience. We are talking about basic rules such as brushing your teeth, physical preparation, and eating. How to properly explain to a child that all this is necessary? This book in the form of poems and fairy tales will allow the kid to understand the importance of such everyday things. Thanks to the book, the child will feel that he really needs it.

Ermakova I. Ball games for the little ones

The book is intended for pediatricians, educators, physical therapy instructors, massage therapists, as well as for ordinary parents. Ball exercises have an excellent effect on the formation and development of the child's bone apparatus. This book presents affective exercises for the growth and physical development of children from 0 to 3 years old with all the features and nuances.
