Since ancient times, people have firmly associated water with a certain state of the human soul. They blindly believed that water is able to convey the spiritual mood of a sleeping person, as well as any of his emotions and feelings experienced at one stage or another in life.

An old legend says that water is a store of human energy. In this regard, many people are interested in finding out why water is dreaming, and even cloudy.
What does water symbolize in a dream?
Opaque water can symbolize both positive changes in the dreamer's future fate, and some negative touches. In different dream books, water means completely different concepts and phenomena. For example, among the Chinese, it is a symbol of all living things, and the Indians believe that the secret of longevity and preservation of life is hidden in it. Orthodox Christians interpret such dreams, relying on the trinity of water: life, death, resurrection.
Some interpreters of dreams believe that water in a dream is designed to help a person choose the right path in a particular field. For example, if you dream of water in a stagnant pond, then in reality you urgently need to revise spiritual values, discarding an unnecessary emotional reaction. However, for the most part, this is the prerogative of dreams with ordinary clear water. Dreams with muddy water have a completely different interpretation.
Why is muddy water dreaming? General interpretation
Muddy water is associated with the impure thoughts of dreamers, as well as with their possible unseemly deeds. For example, a fish dreamed of in troubled water symbolizes a future revision of the dreamer's behavior, who wants to change his life for the better.
Seeing muddy water in a dream is an unfavorable symbol. Perhaps in the near future the dreamer will be forced to make contact with some unpleasant people. Some sad events are also possible. If someone doused the dreamer with muddy water, then in reality a rather difficult and even dreary life period is coming.
Often people dream of drowning in muddy water (for example, in a pond, in a swamp). If you drown in it in a dream, then in reality you should be careful, since enemies and envious people are not asleep. They are waiting for the slightest excuse to annoy the dreamer, who will soon become vulnerable to them. If you drown in muddy water, and then miraculously escape, in reality the dreamer will be able to quickly cope with numerous difficulties and, perhaps, will achieve some kind of success.
Why is muddy water dreaming? Dream interpretation Longo
According to Longo's dream book, looking long and intently into muddy and stagnant water is an emotional crisis in real life. It urgently needs to be overcome, or better not to allow it at all! In Longo's dream book, the most common dream is also described: leading some people through muddy water behind you, and then easily leading them to a source with crystal and clear water promises tremendous success in the professional field. Standing in troubled water or fishing in it - to the emergence of conflict situations, discord.