Why Is A Hurricane Dreaming

Why Is A Hurricane Dreaming
Why Is A Hurricane Dreaming

A hurricane is a dangerous natural phenomenon. This element uproots age-old trees, destroys people's homes to the ground, sinks water vessels without a trace. It is not for nothing that many people equate a hurricane with a tornado when they dream about it.

Why is a hurricane dreaming
Why is a hurricane dreaming

Why is a hurricane dreaming? Expert opinion

Physiologists and psychologists are sure that a hurricane in a dream is a symbol that the dreamer is in search of a way out of this or that difficult situation. People who dream of hurricanes in reality experience some kind of fears about certain life circumstances: they are afraid of uncontrollable situations, they are afraid of being in the center of certain unpleasant events.

Why does a hurricane dream according to Miller's dream book?

The famous dream book of the American scientist and psychologist Gustav Hindman Miller interprets this dream a little differently. The fact is that a hurricane or tornado seen by a dreamer predicts the collapse of almost all of his hopes. If a person dreams that he is watching from the outside how a hurricane destroys everything in its path, then in reality positive tendencies in solving certain problems are not excluded.

If the owner of dreams first saw a hurricane, and then a tornado, then his real life, most likely, will be forcibly changed by someone or something. Still, such a dream portends possible financial costs or material losses, as well as a huge amount of some kind of backbreaking work. The hurricane that bypassed the dreamer advises him to prepare for the changes that are soon to occur in life.

Why is a hurricane dreaming? Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Evgeny Tsvetkov describes the process of observing a hurricane in a dream as a painful expectation of something in reality. For example, if a dreamer sees how a hurricane destroys everything in its path, and hears its hum, then in reality he is waiting for something. Perhaps these expectations are starting to drive the dreamer crazy. In any case, soon all this will end, and a person who has recently dreamed of a hurricane will take decisive action.

Tsvetkov's dream book interprets the consequences of a hurricane seen in a dream in a curious way. If the dreamer not only did not suffer as a result of the hurricane, but also manages to quite calmly observe its consequences, then in real life the key problems and troubles will simply bypass him.

Hurricane in a dream. Dream interpretation of Wangi

A hurricane in a dream is an impending change in life. Vanga promises that the new life period will not be associated with stagnation and stability. In addition, if a hurricane frightened the dreamer, then the coming changes are likely to go not for the better. If the strength of the wind did not frighten him, the changes will be useful.

A difficult and fateful decision will have to be made by the person who, in his dream, briefly hid from the terrible hurricane that overtook him after a while. If in a dream a hurricane lifted the dreamer into the air and carried him above the ground, then in reality this person may begin to expose himself to unjustified risk. Death from a hurricane in a dream is a bad omen. Most likely, the dreamer will suffer some kind of serious illness.
