No one knows how geniuses and prodigies are born - some believe that it is impossible to raise a child as a child prodigy, and this quality is given to them from birth, while others believe that the mental abilities of a child depend only on upbringing and training. Both hypotheses make sense - parents can do everything possible to show the child's outstanding intellectual and creative abilities, but for the child to become a child prodigy, this is not enough. Parents should love the child no matter what abilities he has. If you find that your child has certain special abilities, it depends only on you whether you can help the child develop them, or they will remain undeveloped potential.

Step 1
Gifted children from infancy show curiosity and interest in some specific areas of activity - for example, in music or painting. Strong imagination and vivid imagination also testify to the great potential of the child.
Step 2
Communicate with your child as much as possible - loneliness is not conducive to giftedness. Only communication with parents helps the child to fully develop and grow - do not spare love, affection and attention for children.
Step 3
Help your child to train intellectual abilities - constantly ask him about any things, ask him to explain something to his parents, sister or brother. Always keep your child interested in any activity if you notice that he is showing heightened curiosity about something. Don't force your child to do things they don't like.
Step 4
Let your child believe in his own strength. Never tell him that he cannot do something - cultivate in him confidence, perseverance and determination.
Step 5
Encourage your toddler to daydream and not measure his thinking and creativity with accepted standards. If your daughter loves to play with cars, do not ask her to change the template, just as if the boy was playing with dolls.
Step 6
When sending your child to school, choose an educational institution that matches the child's abilities - learning should not be too easy. Help your child join the children's team, learn to find a common language with peers, and look for friends.
Step 7
Do not forget that in childhood, fantasy and play are much more important for a child than learning the sciences - do not overdo it with education. The child should retain memories of a happy and interesting childhood, which was filled with exciting, not boring activities.