How To Raise A Child And Not Go Crazy

How To Raise A Child And Not Go Crazy
How To Raise A Child And Not Go Crazy

Trying to become the best mother for your child does not always lead to the desired result. Of course, any mother wants to be the best for her child, but, unfortunately, this is not always possible. Especially when you don't have time for anything, the husband comes back later from work, and the children run around the house and shout, completely ignoring the request to slow down and calm down.

How to raise a child and not go crazy
How to raise a child and not go crazy

1. Hug your baby and do not let go for 2 minutes

Despite the fact that it seems ridiculous, touch has magical power. When you are angry and your child throws you off balance, sit next to him and give him a tight hug. Bad emotions will go away quickly. It has long been known that a person needs to hug ten times a day, thereby increasing his sense of happiness and fulfillment. Do you want to increase your self-esteem and at the same time build confidence in your child? Hug! Especially when you are angry.


2. Take a deep breath

Sometimes we forget about breathing, which is completely wrong. Instead of screaming, count to ten and breathe deeply. This will help you calm down and balance your mental state.

3. Ask your toddler to go to his room for 10 minutes.

There are many unpleasant words to say in anger. If your child is disobedient, you need time for yourself to calm down. You can be sure that in a few minutes after the break, you will again hug your fidget with tenderness, but first be alone with yourself.


4. Laugh

Laughter is the best way to defuse tension. Start dancing, turn on your favorite comedy, have fun with your child. You won't even notice how your mood returns. The best medicine for all ailments is laughter. Train yourself to accept any situation with humor. By doing this, you will not only help yourself, but also teach your child to relate to the world around him much easier.

5. Get ready

Children are children and you are adults. Toddlers learn everything from you, so prepare for the fact that there are some things they don't realize. Talk to your child, repeat the same thing several times and get ready for the fact that, despite all your explanations, the baby will surprise you more than once with his behavior. This is how they work. First, they study your reaction to your act, then repeat it. And if the second time they see the same reaction from you, then they understand that it is necessary to learn a lesson and not do this again.


6. Develop your own order of the day

When everyone knows their responsibilities and knows what the day looks like, it's much harder to lose your head and waste your time. By planning your days of the week, you will be less nervous. Everything should be clear and on schedule. Get your child up to date on a schedule. After a few days, you will notice that you have a huge amount of free time.

7. Think about the child's feelings

Before you do or say anything, think about how your reaction will make the child feel. After all, you want to avoid tears, insults and quarrels. Although children try to understand adults, we are a real mystery to them. We praise and punish. It's best to find a middle ground and stick to it. Any conflict can be resolved with a smile and kind words.


8. Think about yourself

We always think of ourselves last. If you are not happy, your children will not be happy either. Do something nice for yourself sometimes, relax and enjoy the peace and quiet. Happy mom, happy baby! Love yourself - then others will love you.
