Do you think that maternity leave is very boring, because every day is similar to the previous one? Try to look at this important period in a different way and spend the time of the decree with the benefit of yourself and your unborn baby.

Step 1
When you go on maternity leave, try to be sure to attend classes at the school for expectant mothers. Information about childbirth, breastfeeding and infant care will come in handy very soon. It will help you gain confidence, allay the fears of childbirth that appear in many pregnant women, and give you an idea of what lies ahead. You will find new acquaintances - the same expectant mothers, like you. By exchanging knowledge and experience, attending physical education classes for pregnant women, walking with strollers after the birth of babies, you can make up for the lack of communication and brighten up the time on maternity leave.
Step 2
Remember that the expectant mother really needs positive emotions: only a happy woman can raise a happy child. While still in the womb, the baby already senses and hears a lot. If mom is good, he will also be calm, mom is nervous, worried, the baby cannot help but feel this, which affects his development. Therefore, try to monitor your emotional state, have more rest, do what you love. Find time for walks in the fresh air, even an hour's walk at a brisk pace will change your mood and give you vigor. Do not give up active life and meetings with old friends, go to visit, visit museums, theaters. When the baby is born, ask loved ones sometimes to replace you, while you, for example, meet with your friends in the nearest cafe or go to the cinema with your spouse.
Step 3
Perhaps you have long wanted to master the technique of decoupage, embroidery with ribbons or learn something new, but everyone put it off for later due to lack of time. Parental leave is the right time to do something interesting. When the baby is born, but it is still very small, there will not be so many free minutes. But if you plan the time in advance and allow yourself to be a little without a child, for example, while dad or grandmother walks with a stroller or while the baby is asleep, then sometimes you can enjoy your favorite pastime. After all, a mother should take care and think not only about the baby, but also about herself. She just needs to replenish the lost energy and strength in order to then share them with her baby.