How Not To Lose Your Husband During Maternity Leave

How Not To Lose Your Husband During Maternity Leave
How Not To Lose Your Husband During Maternity Leave

The decree is a difficult time. This opinion is formed by the majority of mothers who have gone through all the circles of maternity Hell. Hell, which we create for ourselves with our own hands. This article is for women who are not ready for the new trials of motherhood.

Husband and wife are one Satan, and this is worth appreciating
Husband and wife are one Satan, and this is worth appreciating

Every day, thousands of women do the most difficult, most responsible and free work - caring for their children. Unfortunately, not everyone who went through the decree can boast that they liked it. Why?

Yesterday you were on your own and could go anywhere and anytime. Today you are deprived not only of this, but also time for yourself, for a restful sleep, and even often for every thought about your own needs. Most women who have recently given birth cannot be looked at without pity - they completely stop caring for themselves, they do not have enough time and energy to maintain cleanliness in the house, and most importantly, they do not have enough patience for their husbands.

If a woman takes responsibility for a child long before his birth, and even after birth - even more so, then a rare man will understand what happened before the baby turns one year old. It is the first year after birth that is rightfully considered the most difficult - there is a process of adaptation and rethinking by each member of their role in the family.

In this very year, it is important to learn how to relax and get away from over-responsibility. This time is absolutely necessary to devote to becoming a keeper of the hearth, and not a home Cerberus. The time of the decree should be a time of rest, when not only your husband can rest (because he came home from work and is tired), but also you.

Motherhood is the heyday of our femininity, our best natural role. Motherhood was glorified by artists of all eras, and you and I, modern women, have turned it into our own slave service. But, in fact, are our husbands to blame for this? We ourselves provoke a lot of problems associated with the irresponsibility and inattention of our second halves.

after childbirth as much as possible. The diet for nursing mothers is not indicated, but this does not interfere with eating properly. Physical activity is required, not only in the form of wiping the floors, but also of a sports sense - fitness, dancing, which you yourself like. You can start from 1, 5-2 months after childbirth (in cases of difficult childbirth or cesarean section, you must consult a doctor), gradually increasing the load. This will not only put your body in order, but will also help neutralize the accumulated negativity and get rid of the effects of stress.

Constantly and methodically, the face, hair, limbs, clothes and the smell that you exude should be fresh and pleasant. The more you run yourself, the worse you feel, the less strength you have. Moreover, your husband will understand how difficult it is for you only if he himself tries to stay with the child for a week or two. Otherwise, for him, what is difficult for you is not an excuse. The statistics of infidelity in marriage indicate that in addition to the child, you may also have "horns" if you focus solely on motherhood.

Do not create a situation with a "superfluous person" at home, in no case let your husband feel unnecessary and forgotten. The child is the fruit of marriage, the fruit of love, and not vice versa. Remember the root cause of its appearance. Therefore, try to set aside some time in the day for communicating with your husband as a man and a friend.

Try to meet the human needs of the husband (not just those related to washing and cooking). A kind and attentive attitude, care and affection, will help your soul mate adapt to a new role and see that a full-fledged family is that family where there are children, and not one where two selfish people entertain each other.

By following these recommendations, you will be able to avoid many conflict situations and save the marriage in order to think in a few years: "How good that I have it!"
