How An Active Mom Can Survive During Maternity Leave

How An Active Mom Can Survive During Maternity Leave
How An Active Mom Can Survive During Maternity Leave

An emotion article for women with an active lifestyle, a reflection article on how to prioritize. A must-read for young mothers who selflessly work on the Internet without getting either pleasure or benefit.

In every little child …
In every little child …

Raising children is an art, and like any art, it requires skill, patience, and talents. They say that the birth rate is now increasing, but is the upbringing of our children increasing? In choosing a profession, we are guided by our abilities, capabilities, education, but is not a mother the first and most important of women's professions? Do you know everything you need to know about motherhood?

A modern woman is in an unequal struggle for equal opportunities with a man for self-realization in society. In such conditions, it is quite difficult to just take and relax during maternity leave, because it seems that several years completely fall out of life. And it is not strange, since our mothers scare us girls, starting from school: if you study badly, you will become a housewife. If you give birth to a child, you will not be able to continue your studies, you will not be able to get a good job, let alone any career. And so it turns out - we give birth to children, and we are afraid to bring them up. We are afraid to become unnecessary, to lose tone and attractiveness in the eyes of others.

Mothers on maternity leave is one of the most irrepressible niches of internet users looking for remote work. Mothers on maternity leave are afraid to depend on their own husbands, and therefore they miss the months of the most active development of their children in attempts to earn a penny, which is so difficult to "scrape together" under the current conditions of online earnings. Exhausted and nervous, they grab on to any job - surfing, copywriting, writing thesis, participate in pyramid schemes and build structures in the MLM business. Unfortunately, monetary efficiency is often not worth the effort.

Why is that? It is not at all a matter of discrimination, because a woman is capable of working and earning no worse than a man. The point is, rather, in the mood with which such earnings occur - after all, it is not from a good life that a young mother in her right mind will gnaw the granite of the science of Internet entrepreneurship. If you want to make more money, you start taking risks, you start making plans to spend your hard earned money without earning money - you are woven into the cycle of voluntary slavery even more, thickly seasoning it with low self-esteem.

What should be done in this case? First of all, you should think about the purpose for which you sacrificed your "freedom" by giving birth to a child. They say pregnancy is not a disease, so maternity leave is not the end of life! The invaluable time of rest, which is actually wasted, should be devoted, for example, to the study of literature on developmental psychology and personality psychology, and maybe on the psychology of relationships. It will benefit all family members, and it is this investment of time that can be a strong capital for your old age.

The time of the decree is a great opportunity to relax and learn to breathe at home (and not pull the strap of a hateful duty), create order and comfort in it, learn to cook with love and devote time to family and friends. After all, you must admit that living in such an atmosphere is much more pleasant than in the eternal pursuit of benefits that will not bring you a single bit of happiness near a broken vessel of love. Nice bottles and sliders can stand on the store shelf, but there won't be time. Children grow up quickly, and you and I - to keep up with them. Will we have time to grow personally so as to give our children a harmonious upbringing?

And finally, the best motivation of any man for accomplishment, career growth and earnings is not to take on this responsibility. Raise and pamper your children as much as necessary, and let the whole world wait …
