How To Raise A Child Not Spoiled

How To Raise A Child Not Spoiled
How To Raise A Child Not Spoiled

How to find a middle ground in parenting? We all love our children very much and sometimes spoil them. But, at the same time, every parent wants his child to grow up as an obedient and not spoiled child.

We love, but we do not indulge
We love, but we do not indulge


Each family has its own main rules. For example, someone puts a child to bed strictly at 9:00 pm, demands to walk at home only in slippers, or does not allow him to sit down at the table until his father sits down. You must define the traditions of your family yourself and try to adhere to them.

Be consistent

Always insist on following the rules you define. If you have already decided that juice or ice cream is allowed only after lunch, then there should not be a single deviation from the rules. Even if the child asks you very much. It is the same with the lessons that must be done before the walk. Several times will be enough for the child to learn these rules.

Be one

It is very important that all family members adhere to the basic rules. If mom's “not allowed”, grandmother’s always “okay”, and with dad it is possible when he sits at the computer, then the child first gets confused, and then learns to maneuver between you. As a result, you will accuse each other that the child is very spoiled. Therefore, unity is essential.

Don't be afraid to say no

Before giving your son or daughter complete independence in any matter, think about whether he is ready for this step? If you think you are ready, give your child that opportunity. If you are not ready - insist on your own, even though the child is dissatisfied.

Do not be afraid of children's tears, resentment and harm. Without them, the assimilation of vital rules and internal growth does not occur.
