Signs Of A Spoiled Child

Signs Of A Spoiled Child
Signs Of A Spoiled Child

Many parents are so passionate about their child that they do not even notice how they cross the line between parenting and pampering. There are a number of signs that tell you when to stop.

Signs of a spoiled child
Signs of a spoiled child

The child's desire is most important

In a parent-child pair, a parent must be dominant. If this place is occupied by a child, then it is worth starting to worry. All the whims of a child should be satisfied only in infancy.

The child does not know how to behave in public

When parents do not specifically prohibit the child and do not try to teach him good manners in society, then nothing good will come of it. Later it will be very difficult for him to adapt.


Blurred boundaries

It is very difficult for children when parents change their boundaries of behavior every day. Yesterday it was possible, but today it is no longer possible. If you have established any prohibition, then observe it constantly. So it will be easier for the child.

Lack of a sense of responsibility for their actions

From the age of three, children begin to realize that all actions have consequences. When parents constantly attribute everything to the child's age, they deprive him of the right to be responsible for his actions. In parallel with this, they do not allow him to mentally mature.

Frequent gifts

It so happened that some parents believe that with multiple gifts they show their child their love. But psychologists are sure that gifts for no reason contribute to the fact that children become consumers and selfish.

Everything is achieved through hysterics

When the child begins to cry, the parents are ready to go to all sorts of conditions, if only the child would stop the hysteria. Unfortunately, such complaisance of the parents makes it clear to the child that this is the way that will help him get what he wants, and they begin to constantly manipulate you.

Adults like children

Nobody is perfect. Parents can be wrong too. Sometimes they themselves set the wrong example for their child (tantrums, whims, their desires above all else). The child perceives not words, but actions. And then he actively applies them in practice.

So to begin with, you yourself must become a good example for your child. Do not be afraid if something is not working out for you. All people learn from their mistakes. Love your child and everything will work out.
