Sometimes it happens that a loved one is far away. Family circumstances, work, waiting for a visa - all this can be a temporary obstacle to the reunion of two people in love. But in any case, acting is better than being longing for separation.

paper, pen, glue, old magazines, camera, camcorder, mobile phone, computer with Internet access
Step 1
If the beloved is far away, if he does not return tomorrow and you have some free time, it is worth using it to the benefit of yourself and your relationship. Often, separation is beneficial to love, because if you channel energy in a positive direction, life is filled with new meanings. The main thing is a creative approach to business.
Step 2
Stay in touch. If your loved one has an Internet connection, you can send him messages every day. But alas, text messages can get boring, since in fact there will be one text: "I love. I miss you. I'm waiting." You can call on the help of the classics. The most successful quotes on a love theme can be found in Shakespeare's sonnets, in Pushkin's poetry, and among romantics. The great ones will express your thoughts most accurately. Alternatively, send your loved one photos of the places you have been. Choose the best angles and subjects for shooting. Don't send your own photos often. Moderation in this will help you maintain balance and increase your joy when you meet.
Step 3
Get creative. The energy released due to separation from a loved one can be directed in a positive direction: now is the time to start learning a foreign language, sign up for a belly dance, embroider a scarf or even make repairs. The most important thing is to feel what exactly will help you spend your time with benefit and present the result to your beloved. Any man will be surprised by a warm cherry pie, a beautiful song with a guitar or a colorful collage "Scenes from Our Lives" on the wall.

Step 4
Spend time with family and friends. Now a moment has come in your life when you can remember your friends with whom you have been planning to meet for a long time. A visit to your parents, sister or beloved teacher should also not be postponed for long. In private, it can be easier to have a heart-to-heart talk, fool around, discuss personal problems that can tire your friend, if he is around.

Step 5
Be alone with yourself. Finally, organize a party for yourself: go to a beauty salon, to a concert, take a walk in the woods. Finally, meet your loved one with new strength and old strong feelings!