Parting is a serious test for lovers. Even knowing about an imminent meeting, it can be very difficult to get used to the absence of a dear person. And if the wait for a loved one does not last weeks or even months? Instead of indulging in discouragement, try to have a good time!

According to psychologists, the best thing that saves from sadness and melancholy is … the ability to set goals. Think of the forced separation from your loved one as a time given to self-improvement and improve your life. Of course, you will be bored, but your life will not turn into a series of gray days filled with tears and worries. In addition, men prefer to associate with positive and energetic women, rather than melancholic ladies. Surely your loved one is no exception.
But what to do with yourself when your boyfriend or husband is far away?
Creation of hands
Do you know how to sew, knit, embroider? Perfectly! It's time to master a new hobby. For example, soap making and scrapbooking. In modern stores selling goods for creativity, you can find everything you need: soap base, as well as molds, dyes and fragrances, special scrapbooks and paper. And information, ideas and, of course, like-minded people can be found on the Internet. Your goal is to ideally master the chosen occupation during the absence of a loved one. A big plus of these two hobbies is the opportunity not only to express yourself in creativity, but also to earn some money. Handcrafted cosmetics, vintage postcards and intricately decorated photo albums are a hit with customers. Therefore, you are guaranteed a double incentive!
Food for brain
The debate about which is more important - beauty or intelligence, has been going on for centuries. Modern girls are trying to find the best solution and … have time to take care of their own bodies and broaden their horizons. Try to literally spend your separation time wisely. For example, by signing up for foreign language courses, professional trainings or listening to lectures on a topic that is interesting to you. Thus, you will not only increase your chances of a successful career, but also make many useful contacts.
Body into action
Oddly enough, the absence of a loved one is the best time to put yourself in order. If you want to impress your partner with your stunning appearance, then take action immediately! Your goal is to lose a few extra pounds (if you have them) and make your muscles more prominent. The main means of achieving it are proper nutrition and intense physical activity. Give up sweet, starchy, fatty meats and fish. It is better to lean on fruits, vegetables, herbal teas and juices. Buy a gym membership and give it your all. A few days before your loved one returns, go shopping. Isn't it really nice to buy clothes one size smaller than usual?