Any parting, even if it happens by mutual decision, is difficult. During the romance, you get used to the person, associate certain plans and hopes with him, adjust your rhythm of life to his habits, etc. Finding peace of mind after a breakup is not easy.

Step 1
Unleash your emotions. Until you let go of your feelings, give yourself the opportunity to cry, go through everything emotionally, you will not be able to truly calm down. Keeping everything in oneself is harmful not only from the point of view of mental comfort - it is dangerous to health. Uncried tears and resentment can become an impetus for the development of neurosis, exacerbation of a chronic disease, etc. You can cry, scream, tear things and break dishes - do whatever will free you from oppressive thoughts and feelings.
Step 2
Find something to do. For a while, your thoughts will be occupied with your ex and your past life - make it so that you simply do not have time to worry. Fill your life to capacity - load yourself up with work, find a hobby, bring your body to perfection and exhaustion in the gym, etc. Routine and busyness will help gradually drive unproductive thoughts about the past out of your head.
Step 3
Change your surroundings. It is difficult to calm down if you constantly stumble upon memories of the past - a shared apartment, familiar places, restaurants and other elements of your life can knock you off balance for a long time. Therefore, pack up and go on a journey - to another country, city, just to the country. Stay where it is easier for you to breathe - new impressions and acquaintances, emotions and experiences will distract you.
Step 4
Raise your self-esteem. Do something that you have long dreamed of doing, but did not have enough time or your ex-partner did not approve of your interest. Now there are no obstacles - you are free and can manage your time as you want. Learn languages, sign up for a dance studio, take care of your appearance, experiment with changing your image.
Step 5
Be open to new things - actively participate in social life. You may not only be distracted, but also make new friends. Redecorate your home by getting rid of anything that reminds you of the past - you can simply change the wallpaper or arrange a grand makeover. Tune in for the best, stop suffering and take parting as a new opportunity - this is how life gives you the chance to meet “your” person with whom you will be happy.