Children's Nightmares As A Reflection Of The Emotional State Of The Child

Children's Nightmares As A Reflection Of The Emotional State Of The Child
Children's Nightmares As A Reflection Of The Emotional State Of The Child

Dreams are seen by both adults and children. In a dream, a person relieves stress, sleep brings to the surface anxiety, fears and allows you to search for hidden problems. Freud proved that a hidden, unconscious desire is expressed in a dream. A baby's sleep can reveal the emotional state of a baby.

Children's nightmares as a reflection of the emotional state of the child
Children's nightmares as a reflection of the emotional state of the child

Each dream is individual and depends on the events taking place with the little fidget. By revealing the dreams of a child, you can identify his problems and concerns and help him in time. Nightmares may indicate a difficult emotional state of the crumbs. Nightmares in a baby happen more often, because more and more often he has to adapt, overcome trials, experience some fears, experience emotional and intellectual stress.

We will reveal the possible variants of children's nightmares and the associated emotional problems of the child.

  • If a child often dreams of witches and other scary characters who haunt and offend him, this may be a sign of a lack of parental care and a sense of insecurity.
  • If in a dream the child is grabbed by monsters and carried somewhere in their paws, then perhaps the parents often undeservedly scold and criticize the baby.
  • If a baby is lost in a dream and cannot find parents, then he critically lacks attention.
  • If you dream of a dark forest in which the baby is lost alone, and calls for help from mom and dad, but no one answers him, then the child is often punished, possibly even physical.

Try to create conditions for a calm sleep of the baby, for this the most important thing is to surround him with warmth and affection, the child should feel himself under reliable protection. In addition to a favorable emotional mood in the family, it is also important to observe the diet, sleep and daily walks in the fresh air.

Do not watch violent or violent films in front of your baby, especially before bed. Eliminate outdoor games before bed. Wake your baby up in the morning not with an alarm clock, but with affection. Replay the nightmare with a baby with toys, let him go through the same situation, but without fear, it is important to make it clear that mom and dad are close.

Scary dreams are a signal for a child's unfavorable emotional climate. If they become more frequent, be sure to pay attention to this, perhaps this is a call for help. At the initial stage of the problem, only parents can help the child, and the best medicine in this case will be love, understanding, wisdom, patience.
