What Exes Hope For When They Say Hello

What Exes Hope For When They Say Hello
What Exes Hope For When They Say Hello

So, it happened … You broke up with your boyfriend. The relationship has been clarified, the failed love has not been forgotten, but the end is put on those relationships, you can live in anticipation of a new, even more exciting feeling that you deserve. And suddenly … SMS from the former. One word: "Hello." But how much this "hello" can confuse the heart!

What exes hope for when they write
What exes hope for when they write

Women are strange people! It seems like we parted, it was already decided and signed that it was a mistake, we are already ready for a new feeling, but here is a completely meaningless “hello” - and different guesses are already being built … “I have not forgotten. He writes. I couldn't find anyone better. He wants to return. Maybe he still loves. Regrets the breakup. And how can I answer him so that he understands that I am happy without him, but I am ready to find out how he is going to atone for his guilt …”. Is it worth even thinking about this hello! And even more so about the resumption of former relations. After all, the reason for this message may not be at all flattering for a girl.

For what reason can exes write

Anything can induce to write an SMS, but not what the girl herself hopes for - not the outbreak of love and longing for her. Everything can be much more prosaic:

- Wrong number. Didn't delete the "former" from the list of numbers, well, and … It happens, you know.

- It’s just boring, nothing to do, it didn’t work out with a new girl, but here, according to old memory, it may be possible to while away the evening.

- He wants something from you. There are a lot of options - to get some kind of service, to borrow money …

But maybe he hopes for something. For example, the fact that the girl is still waiting, remembers, cries and dreams of returning the irresistible one. And he will return, make her happy until the next break. He hopes that the girl was abandoned by the one because of whom they parted, but he was right there. All these reasons really cannot please. But "hello" is still sent … And the former lover is not forgotten … And what he also remembers cannot leave you indifferent!

How to respond to such a message

The best option, of course, is not. This is the easiest way to demonstrate your indifference. If it was not a mistake and for a reason, out of boredom, then he will write again or call back. But … it's hard to resist. Especially if not all feelings have died out completely. Disappointment also makes itself felt, hurt wounded pride. Perhaps even a sense of loss. If all this had not happened, then such a question would not have arisen.

Of course, you can answer. But do not indulge in long stories about how happy you are now and how you forgot to think about him. This will be a clear sign that they have not forgotten. The best way is to politely answer “Hi, who is this?”. Perhaps the answer will be "Nobody already." Then you just have to forget - this is really nobody. You cannot enter the same river twice - everyone knows that. There is no need to renew a relationship that once already brought disappointment.

But if he still loves, he cannot live without you, he just wanted to hear your voice, dial the number? Yes, this option is also possible. But then he should not send vague greetings, but say so, or write, if it's hard to say. Otherwise, “hello” is most likely just “hello”, and it’s better to leave the “ex” in the former category.
