Why They Say That A Woman Is The Keeper Of The Hearth

Why They Say That A Woman Is The Keeper Of The Hearth
Why They Say That A Woman Is The Keeper Of The Hearth

Woman is a mysterious divine creature. She has the ability to anticipate, prevent and preserve. From ancient times to the present day, it is the woman who has been assigned the role of the keeper of the hearth. Why? The truth lies in very simple things.

Why they say that a woman is the keeper of the hearth
Why they say that a woman is the keeper of the hearth

The woman - the keeper of the hearth: a stereotype or an idea of nature?

Some consider this role to be a stereotype or a historically formed factor, while others - the intervention of Mother Nature. In fact, each of these opinions has a right to exist. And each version has its own truth.

Version # 1. In the opinion of the majority, the concept of “woman-keeper of the hearth” dates back to the cave times. In those days, this phrase was understood literally, since the woman was charged with maintaining the fire in the cave, while the man played the role of the breadwinner. Over time, this phrase was transformed and began to be used in society as a stereotype.

With such a ready-made perception scheme, the woman automatically became the keeper of the family hearth, whose duties still include creating a cozy atmosphere in the house. However, many modern representatives of the fair sex are trying to break this stereotype, violating and making adjustments to the historically established duties of a real hearth keeper.

Thanks to the intervention of nature, a woman has more endurance, patience and the ability to create and maintain harmony in a relationship.

Version number 2. Having a close connection with the energy of the Earth, it is the beautiful half of humanity who has excellent intuition and the ability to foresee the further future. Since ancient times, it was believed that all women are inherently sorceresses. Possessing the power of thought and word, a woman is able to realize all her plans and preserve the family hearth.

However, it is very important not to lose the main essence of the feminine principle in the everyday bustle, because the "keeper of the hearth" is not just a dishwasher, a cleaner and a cook. This is a strong woman who is capable of turning away from her family and her loved ones all everyday hardships and troubles.

Based on the foregoing, it becomes quite clear why it is customary to call a woman “the keeper of the hearth”.

How to become a real homemaker

These tips will help you become a full-fledged guardian of the hearth and keep peace and love in your family. Be discreet and don't let your negative emotions affect your mood. Get ready to work with your significant other. Live each day with complete dedication and love.

Do not forget to use the secret weapon that nature has awarded you - femininity.

Be patient, try to treat your man with understanding. Respect your husband, as well as a stranger, since he is not your property. Do not get annoyed and do not vent your aggression. And if you feel negative, first try to find the reason in yourself, and not in your man.

Talk about your grievances, talk about your desires, and do your best to clear up any misunderstandings between you. Live in harmony with yourself, know how to be content with even the smallest. Be confident in yourself and don't be offended by little things.

By observing these commandments, you can become a real homemaker, making your whole family happy!
