Why Do Women Say They Have Nothing To Wear

Why Do Women Say They Have Nothing To Wear
Why Do Women Say They Have Nothing To Wear

A woman, as you know, has two "eternal" questions, perplexing men: there is nothing to put on and nowhere to put things. It would seem that the situation is absurd, however, many women really consider this a serious problem.

Why do women say they have nothing to wear
Why do women say they have nothing to wear

The fact is that clothes play a different role in the life of a woman and a man. Most of the stronger sex are inclined to use wardrobe items for a purely utilitarian purpose: to protect from the cold, to ensure the convenience of activity and, when the situation requires it, to perform representative functions, i.e. signal the specific social status of the owner of the costume. Of course, there are exceptions, but they are not very frequent.

Ladies, however, tend to consider clothes, if not their "second skin", then something very close to this. An outfit for them is an opportunity to decorate, and express themselves, and convey their mood at the moment … but you can't list everything. And, of course, a woman makes more stringent requirements for a wardrobe than a man. That is why situations arise when she suddenly becomes "nothing to wear."

Changes in the figure

This is perhaps the most understandable reason for men, which explains a woman's desire to change her wardrobe. Indeed, a dramatically changed figure requires a new outfit, unless, of course, the woman wants to look ridiculous (and she rarely wants to). At the same time, women have many objective reasons leading to such changes in appearance. This is pregnancy, childbirth, and a figure that has grown as a result of intense work on oneself. In all these cases, an audit of the wardrobe and a trip for the next purchases are required.

Changes in status

There are times when a woman suddenly realizes that she can no longer dress like she used to. This can be due to a variety of reasons. First, a change in the type of activity. So, a lady who has worked for several years in an office suddenly leaves for "free bread" and realizes that she no longer needs so many business-style clothes. Naturally, she wants to change her image and, accordingly, her wardrobe.

Or a girl who married and became a mother suddenly decides that the image of a naughty girl, which she preferred just a couple of years ago, does not fit well with her new status as a wife, mother of the family and mistress of the house. She wants to dress differently, because the old things no longer correspond to her inner self-perception.

Or, over the years, a woman realizes that she is no longer so young, light and romantic as in her youth, and wants to acquire more “solid” and “calm things”.

Mood changes

And absolutely incomprehensible for most men, the reason for the woman's "I have nothing to wear" is a change in the woman's mood. It happens that a girl or a more mature person experiences a new, unexpected range of feelings for her and seeks to express it, creating a new, unusual and fresh image for herself. She opens the closet … and does not see things that are in tune with her condition. They are not: after all, she has never been the same as now, she has never felt the way she is today! This means that it is urgent to correct this situation!
