How To Behave If You Have No Feelings

How To Behave If You Have No Feelings
How To Behave If You Have No Feelings

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Some people, some time after starting a relationship, realize that they have no feelings for their partner. Further behavior depends on many factors, assessing which you can decide how best to act in this situation.

How to behave if you have no feelings
How to behave if you have no feelings


Step 1

Stop blaming yourself. Some people feel guilty about not loving their partner. Feelings sometimes pass, and your previously loved one could have changed a lot for the worse. Therefore, do not feel guilty, but accept it and think about how best to proceed.

Step 2

Assess your position. If you are dating a person you don't love and you have no obligations to each other, it might be better to break up. But if you are connected by family ties and a common child, this is a completely different situation. Not only your life depends on your decision, but also the life of your spouse and child.

Step 3

Find the reasons that made the feelings go away. If you loved this person before, then something attracted you to him. Try to remember exactly what has changed, what you dislike about your partner. Find the root of the problem so you can think about what to do next.

Step 4

Try to return feelings, if possible. Try to remember all the pleasant moments you spent together. Find the traits you are attracted to in your partner, focus on them, and try to fall in love again.

Step 5

Pretend everything is still okay if you are not ready to leave the person. Go about your usual activities, do not betray your lack of feelings. If you are not burdened by this relationship, and you are able to continue to be together, try to stay close to him.

Step 6

Confess to your partner that you no longer have love feelings towards him. Discuss the problem and try to find solutions together. See a family counselor to help you solve the problem with a specialist.

Step 7

If the above methods do not help, break up with this person. Relationships through force will not bring you pleasure. You will torment yourself and your partner, over time the relationship will deteriorate and the consequences will be much worse. Honestly tell your former lover about your decision, explain the reason and go in search of new love.
