People, living for a long time in a legal marriage, sometimes cool down to each other. Misunderstandings and domestic quarrels can even lead to divorce, but if you make a little effort, the family can still be saved.

How to save a marriage on the verge of divorce
If you want to maintain a relationship with your significant other, first of all, stop blaming her for all mortal sins. Both spouses are to blame for any family difficulties. Unhappiness most often comes from within a person. In order to find family well-being and happiness, try to be filled with it yourself. Learn to cope with negative emotions, protect yourself from sadness. Smile more often and learn to enjoy the simple little things that surround you. You should be aware of anything that can bring you joy. Look into the eyes of any fear you have and try to cope with all difficulties. Remember that in this life there is a person next to you who can come to your aid at any moment, you just have to ask him about it.
Determine what the problem is in your relationship. Maybe you have begun to spend little time alone with your spouse, you do not notice changes in his mood, and you have stopped giving him due attention. It is very important for people that someone takes care of them. Just start to be more interested in the affairs of your significant other, ask about how her day went, if you can help her with something. Even if your help turns out to be useless, the person will definitely appreciate your participation and care.
Believe in your future together, make plans and strive to achieve your goals. Remember that you can handle any hardship if you walk hand in hand through life. Share your experiences with your married person. Over the long years together, you have probably become family to each other, so he must understand what exactly bothers you. If your partner truly loves you, he is sure to help you mend your relationship.
Nice little things that can save a marriage
Once you have dealt with the problems that are spoiling your relationship, it's time to fix them, as well as restore peace and love in the family. Start with the smallest details. Arrange a romantic dinner for your significant other, take her for a walk in the park or any institution that you visited even when you were happy. Give small gifts, arrange surprises, and do not skimp on compliments. Laugh together often and look at any problems with the confidence that they are only temporary.
Try to talk more, and not only listen, but also hear your spouse. Any misunderstandings and secrets can lead to the collapse of your family relationship.