If Your Kids Are Not Learning

If Your Kids Are Not Learning
If Your Kids Are Not Learning

The title of excellent student is not always given to the smartest child in the class. It so happens that the teacher overestimates the marks for diligence and obedience by one, while more gifted, but lazy or too active children receive triples and even deuces. As a result, the craving for learning gradually disappears, the child is distracted by more interesting things to him. In this case, you need to help the student overcome learning problems.

If your kids are not learning
If your kids are not learning

If you notice that your baby is reluctant to go to school, is capricious and imagines diseases for himself, this is the first sign of impending problems. Do not be lazy to go to school and observe the atmosphere there. There may be a conflict between students in the class, and your child is also involved. In this case, you should not interfere yourself and scold the offenders. In the classroom, the authority of the teacher must remain inviolable, who fairly examines all controversial situations and punishes the guilty. Chat with your homeroom teacher, tell him about your doubts, and let him do justice. If the teacher refuses or, for some reason, cannot reason with the children, arrange something like a council where each of the children can speak up and solve all problems together. Of course, this method is only acceptable for middle and high school children.

One of the reasons a child is reluctant to do homework is because of certain knowledge gaps. They can happen due to illness or the absence of a student on the passage of a particular topic. Sometimes it is beyond the power to figure it out on your own, and the average teacher cannot, and sometimes does not want to study each one separately. In this case, try to help the child yourself. Carefully study the material, clearly explain it to your kid. Remember that you should not blame everything on the shoulders of teachers and completely withdraw from the learning process. If you do not know the subject at all, then maybe someone from your acquaintances or other students will be able to work out with your child. There is always a way out of any situation. The main thing is not to delay filling in the gaps, otherwise one misunderstanding will lead to others. As a result, the child will lose time and, most importantly, interest.

It also happens that a student of a strong lyceum or gymnasium class simply does not match the level of the others. And it is important for parents to understand that they should not force the child to jump over his head if he is not given this. The case may also be in the wrong profile. If, for example, you send a humanities student to a physical lyceum just because you have dreamed of entering the Polytechnic all your life, he will not be able to master the program due to the peculiarities of his mindset. You don't have to make your own dreams come true in children. Before enrolling in specialized classes, analyze the abilities of the future student, talk about what exactly he is interested in doing. And transfer the kid to a regular team in time if you see that he is not doing well. This step will prevent complexes from developing and will slightly raise the child's self-esteem.

Younger students can be interested in the reward system. For example, draw a home wall newspaper to celebrate your little one’s progress. Relatives and guests, seeing his achievements, will certainly praise him, and pleasant words from the lips of adults always motivate. You can give minor souvenirs for each good grade. It can be candy, and unscheduled trips to the forest, and small toys. Arrange with parents in class that at the end of each quarter, successful students will receive medals or diplomas for their achievements. These inexpensive motivators will keep children trying and competing, and the competitive spirit is known to be able to pull any laggard to the podium. And no matter what happens, never humiliate, scold or belittle your child. Let him know that you have the best one!
