Tests are the most affordable and quickest way to determine pregnancy. They are convenient, first of all, because a woman can find out about her condition at home, on her own, even before going to a doctor.

In fact, using the test, a woman makes an analysis for the content in the body of the hormone hCG (hCG) - human chorionic gonadotropin. This hormone is produced in the body if the egg is fertilized. It blocks the possibility of a new pregnancy. That is why a "double" pregnancy with different terms cannot occur in a woman's body.
This hormone is found both in the blood and in the urine of a woman. In the laboratory, a blood test is done to determine the presence of hCG in the body. Home tests overwhelmingly determine the content of this hormone in the urine.
Test sensitivity
Tests for self-determination of pregnancy are of varying degrees of sensitivity, i.e. they are able to determine the content of hCG in urine from 10 mU in 1 ml or from 25 mU in 1 ml of urine, respectively. It is clear that the first tests are more accurate than the second ones. The sensitivity of the test is indicated on the packaging.
However, it is wrong to think that more sensitive tests can detect pregnancy almost immediately after it occurs. In any case, this will not happen earlier than 14 days after conception. Usually, the tests show a reliable result if menstruation did not come on time or from the first day of its delay.
Types of tests
Stripes. This type of test is the cheapest and most common. It is easy to use: it is enough to urinate in a clean container, dip the test into the urine to the indicated risk, wait 15 seconds, remove and after 4 minutes compare with the sample on the label: if two strips are clearly visible, pregnancy has occurred, if only one is not pregnant.
Tablet. In their method of application, they are similar to test strips: urine is also collected, and then pipetted onto a special test window. The result is visible in 5 minutes - the same stripes, one or two - depending on whether the pregnancy has come or not. They look more aesthetically pleasing, and many women planning a baby use them to leave the test in the family archive as a cute heirloom.
Inkjet. They are more convenient than the two previous types, because to diagnose pregnancy, it is enough to urinate directly on the test. The result will be visible in a few seconds.
Electronic. These tests are quite expensive, but as a result of their application, a woman receives an answer to the scoreboard "pregnant" or "not pregnant", and does not suffer, trying to make out the second strip and determine the degree of its intensity by eye.
To make the result more accurate
Pregnancy tests are quite reliable and can detect the onset of pregnancy in 95-99% of cases. But in order to be sure of the result, a woman must follow several rules for their use:
- Carefully examine the packaging of the test and check its expiration date.
- Conduct the analysis in the morning, when the concentration of hCG in the urine is highest.
- Strictly follow the instructions for use of the test.
- Do not conduct testing earlier than on the 17th day of the cycle - this is useless and will deliberately give an incorrect result.