How To Find Out About Pregnancy Without A Test

How To Find Out About Pregnancy Without A Test
How To Find Out About Pregnancy Without A Test

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Are you planning to have a baby? Or, on the contrary, do not plan, but there is a reason to suspect pregnancy? How to determine without a test that the baby has already settled inside you?

How to find out about pregnancy without a test
How to find out about pregnancy without a test


Step 1

Let's immediately determine that all women are different. Someone from the first days of pregnancy is constantly nauseous, urination becomes more frequent, pulls to salty. In general, all the signs of toxicosis are on the face. In this case, even without a test, it is clear that the woman is in a position. And it happens that the expectant mother only in the fourth or fifth month, by the enlarged belly, finds out that she is pregnant.

How to find out about pregnancy without a test
How to find out about pregnancy without a test

Step 2

Traditionally, the first signs that you have a replenishment in the family is considered to be the absence of menstruation. If you have a delay of 2-3 weeks or more, then there are two options - a strong hormonal disruption or pregnancy.

Step 3

In order not to doubt your position, see your doctor. By donating blood for hCG, you will find out if you are pregnant or not. HCG is a specific hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin that your body begins to produce as soon as a fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus.

The normal level of hCG in the blood is 0-15 mU / ml.

1-2 weeks of pregnancy - 20 - 145.

2-3 weeks - 110 - 3640.

Every day, the level of hCG rises and by the middle of the term it already reaches 9000 - 60,000 mU / ml.

The reliability of the analysis is very high, it allows you to accurately determine whether you are pregnant or not.

How to find out about pregnancy without a test
How to find out about pregnancy without a test

Step 4

In addition to the study of hCG, nothing can give accurate results. But if you can't go to the doctor yet, pay attention to the changes in your body that are inherent in pregnant women. This can be breast enlargement and soreness, frequent urge to use the toilet, nausea, intolerance to strong odors, tearfulness. All these are signs of toxicosis. But this may also indicate some kind of disease, so do not postpone your visit to the doctor! Only he can dispel all your doubts.