Fear of unexpected and unwanted family replenishment can often bother a girl. In this case, you can find out if she is pregnant without a test, even at the very beginning of the term, since certain signals of the body will already indicate this.

First of all, in order to find out if a girl is pregnant without a test, she should think carefully and remember her sexual contacts in the last month. Often, the fairer sex begins to indulge in panic, not even thinking that there may be no reason for it. Think about having unprotected sex with ejaculation in your vagina. If so, then you should really think about the possible pregnancy. With unprotected intercourse, this likelihood is significantly reduced, especially if such contact occurred within ten days after the beginning of the previous period or 5-10 days before the expected onset of the next.
The easiest way to understand and find out if you are pregnant without a test is if you know your cycle well. A delay in menstruation for more than 7-10 days can be one of the first warning signs, but even in this case, it is too early to talk about pregnancy. Perhaps this is the body's reaction to some kind of hidden disease or a violation of the hormonal cycle.
Pay attention to your condition. The appearance of nausea and vomiting in the morning is one of the more accurate signs of pregnancy when the body is experiencing toxicosis. In addition, at the same time, sudden mood swings and mood decline are possible, up to prolonged depression. If at the moment the girl has no other diseases and could not have been poisoned by something, it is worth thinking about the fact that pregnancy could really come.
Expectant mothers often experience headaches, and this feature may appear within a few days after fertilization of the egg. In addition, the sense of smell increases, and even the usual smells, such as coffee, flowers, fried foods, etc. can cause bouts of nausea.
You can find out if you are pregnant without a test by changing food habits. A woman may have a desire to eat dishes that she did not want at all before - salty or sweet foods, exotic fruits and vegetables, etc. So the body says that it is lacking in certain vitamins or nutrients.
See a qualified gynecologist. Changes in the appearance of the female genital organs, as well as the results of various tests, can indicate the onset of pregnancy. Medical examinations in some clinics are free of charge by appointment. In this case, the results will be much more accurate than a pregnancy test.