What To Do If Your Child Is Sick

What To Do If Your Child Is Sick
What To Do If Your Child Is Sick

Caring parents always closely monitor the health of their baby. They simply cannot help but notice when their child is not feeling very well, and even more so if he is vomiting or vomiting. These unpleasant symptoms can indicate a wide variety of childhood diseases. Therefore, it is so important to determine in time what kind of ailment the baby is sick of.

What to do if your child is sick
What to do if your child is sick

In a newborn baby, vomiting is very difficult to distinguish from regurgitation. Moreover, these two physiological processes can accompany each other. Most often, vomiting in an infant can be a manifestation of overeating or eating intolerable food. A single appearance of vomiting in a baby, as a rule, does not require any intervention.

The cause of nausea in a child may be an intestinal infection or intolerance to some components of his food (complementary foods). If, in addition to nausea, the baby also has a rash on the body, wait until his intestines are completely empty and give the little one any antihistamine in an age-specific dosage.

It is believed that a minor infection does not need to be treated without fever. Allow your baby's stomach and intestines to clear toxic foods on their own. Remember to give your child a drink to replenish fluid loss.

If the nausea persists, and vomiting is continuous, the high temperature does not subside, and the child's condition worsens every hour, call a doctor urgently. Sometimes this condition in babies requires urgent hospitalization.

Sometimes the cause of nausea and vomiting in very young children can be an anatomical violation of the esophageal patency. It can only be cured with surgery. It is possible to identify a violation of the patency of the esophagus using ultrasound.

Frequent profuse vomiting "fountain" in children may indicate the immaturity of the central nervous system in premature babies or its defeat during childbirth or during pregnancy. Only a neurologist can treat this kind of vomiting.

A child can also vomit as a result of nervous disorders: parents leaving on business, communicating with a stranger, melancholy, unwillingness to do anything. Nausea associated with mental disorders of the toddler is treated by pediatric neurologists and psychotherapists.
