Frequent snot and colds of a child can become a nightmare for any parent. However, it is the behavior of the parents that becomes the main cause of childhood illnesses. Failure to comply with just a few rules can lead to the fact that children's immunity will be weakened and overloaded, and this invariably leads to mild and then serious illnesses.

There are five simple rules, the observance of which will help strengthen the child's immunity and forget about frequent colds. The main mistake of parents is excessive concern for the health of the baby. Accordingly, immunity ceases to perform this function. Too greenhouse conditions have been created around.
- The main and most common mistake is overheating of the child. Dressing too warm, heavy layered clothing, excitement to stay warm are the main harbingers of a cold. A child after a year on the street should be dressed like an adult, minus one layer! Consider the mobility of children, the energy that he spends is several times higher than that of an adult. Instead of a heavy down jacket, in which he instantly sweats, wear a warm but light jacket. And you should not wear a jacket on your child in the summer if you yourself are wearing a T-shirt. And the light breeze shouldn't bother you. He lives on this planet, his body is ready for the sun, and the wind, and the rain.
- When bathing, do not create a sauna effect by tightly closing the door and letting in hot steam. Leaving the bathroom in an apartment with a different temperature regime will be very stressful for the cardiovascular system. Bathe your child with the door ajar.
- Persistent (more than a day) temperature above 39 degrees is dangerous. Raising the temperature is a natural process in which leukocytes will be delivered to the site of infection faster and will quickly complete their task - to restore the body. By knocking down the temperature, you interfere with this process. Set aside all antibiotics and antipyretics prescribed by your doctor and advertised on TV. Tea with honey and raspberry jam, gargling, inhalations are the remedies that have been tested for centuries and hundreds of generations of sick people. High temperature is dangerous in two cases: chemical poisoning and overheating (in the sun, in a bath, etc.). In these situations, it is necessary to bring down the temperature.
- Snot is not a reason to stay at home with the windows closed. Most likely, in such conditions, the runny nose will become protracted. Snot, of course, must be washed or blown out, and then go for a walk. Both in winter and summer.
- Regular airing of the room is the key to good immunity. Fresh air is necessary for the normal functioning of any organism, including children. Ideally, you need to sleep with the windows open.
Follow these rules and you will forget why your child is often sick.
Well, do not forget that according to the research of the World Health Association, children who receive enough parental love get sick 4 times less often. Naturally, this does not mean the number of toys, but the quality time spent together. Fishing, cooking dinner, reading a book, even cleaning the apartment where you interact with your child is the best way to talk about your love. And children attending the kindergarten get sick more often not because they are in a team, but because being at the hospital home with their mother, they can make up for the lack of affectionate emotions and care. Taking a child from kindergarten every day, devote to him and only him only 40-50 minutes of your time. Forget about dinner and cleaning for a while. You will do this a little later. Give your child a calm conversation or a game and you will see how quickly his snot and annoying cough will pass and not soon return.