What To Do If A Child Has A Stomach Ache

What To Do If A Child Has A Stomach Ache
What To Do If A Child Has A Stomach Ache

If a child has a pain, the parents are always worried. Especially if nothing can alleviate the condition. Stomach pains vary in nature, but you should always see a doctor.

What to do if a child has a stomach ache
What to do if a child has a stomach ache

If the child is healthy and cheerful, then any mother will be happy. But if something torments the baby, then the mother feels bad. She is worried and worried. A child's tummy hurts, and parents should be on the lookout. They should know what to be prepared for and how to provide first aid.

There are many different causes of abdominal pain. And the symptoms are mostly similar, but you need to be able to distinguish in which area of the abdomen pain occurs. It's good if the child is big and can show himself where it hurts.

And what if the baby still does not know how to speak, very small? Therefore, you have to figure it out yourself. But you cannot delay, and even more so, self-medicate. Such behavior can greatly harm the child, pose a serious threat to his health.

Stomach pain for up to six months

In newborn babies, the causes are most often colic. This is due to the fact that digestion has not yet been established, and intestinal gases accumulate in the tummy, which annoy the baby. He begins to twist his legs, bend and unbend them, cry hard, refuse to eat.

What to do and how to help the baby in this case? Hold the child with a column for about 15 minutes, massage the tummy with circular soft movements; put a warm diaper on your stomach. In most cases, this helps. Colic stops tormenting babies after six months. Sometimes medications containing fennel and semiticone are prescribed.

Until the age of six months, some babies have obstruction (an intestinal loop wrapped another). And up to a year there may be intestinal intussusception (one intestine enters the intestinal lumen). In these cases, the baby worries, cries, is very pale, refuses to eat. Later, vomiting appears and there is no stool. Sometimes these signs go away on their own. But if they recur, you need to see a doctor.

Pain after a year

In children after one year old, the tummy may ache after an infection (sore throat, colds, measles, diphtheria, flu, scarlet fever). In this case, inflammation of the mucous membrane in the intestine occurs. The baby's temperature rises, loose stools and vomiting appear. He becomes nervous.

Dysentery can be another cause. And here the signs of pain in the tummy are as follows: the tummy is swollen, it hurts near the navel, vomiting appears, and the stool becomes liquid, bloody, slimy. The body quickly becomes dehydrated, the child is hospitalized, and infectious disease specialists are treated.

What to do?

Parents should take action based on the condition of the baby. If only the tummy hurts and there are no other dangerous signs - diarrhea, vomiting, temperature - then while you can watch. Perhaps when the baby goes to the toilet, everything will pass.

If pain occurs often, then you need to see a specialist. No medicine can be given without his prescription.
