Small children often have tummy pain due to gas accumulating in the intestines. The baby often cries and draws his legs to his stomach. Young mothers repeatedly ask themselves how to help their baby.

If your child has bloating, prepare dill water or buy it at the pharmacy. For self-production of the infusion, take 1 tablespoon of ordinary dill seeds and fill it with 1 liter of boiling water. Insist 15-20 minutes. Take half a glass yourself one hour before meals three times a day and give this water to your baby, a tablespoon three times a day before feeding.
During breastfeeding, make sure that the baby sucks at the breast, capturing not only the nipple itself, but also most of the areola.
Avoid the use of gas-forming products: raw milk, black bread, cabbage, other pickles, garlic, onions, tomatoes, mushrooms, legumes, kvass, soda; apples, pears, watermelons and melons in large quantities.
When artificial feeding is used, observe that the formula is diluted according to all the rules, in the correct proportion. It is important that from 1/3 to ½ of the baby's daily nutritional volume are fermented milk mixtures.
Hold your baby upright or semi-upright after feeding so he can regurgitate air. The baby can be helped by patting or stroking it on the back. Place the baby on the tummy more often. This will facilitate the release of gases.
Warm your baby: put a warm diaper or heating pad on his tummy, you can prepare a warm bath with chamomile, mint and sage herbs. Place the baby on your belly to keep it warm and calm.
Massage the baby gently, moving in a clockwise direction and lifting the bent legs towards the abdomen.
If all of the above measures do not help, put a gas outlet tube for the baby.
You can buy it at the pharmacy or make your own by cutting off the tip of a small rubber bulb. Perform all actions in accordance with the instructions for use.
Use drugs such as Espumisan or Disflatil only after consulting your doctor.
Undergo an additional examination if the baby has periodic stool retention or digestive disorders, weight gain is unstable, and the feces are discolored and heterogeneous.