What To Do If A Nursing Baby Has A Stomach Ache

What To Do If A Nursing Baby Has A Stomach Ache
What To Do If A Nursing Baby Has A Stomach Ache

Literally every mother of a small child at the beginning of his life is faced with such a phenomenon as pain in the tummy, desperate crying, unwillingness to sleep. How can you help your little angel?

What to do if a nursing baby has a stomach ache
What to do if a nursing baby has a stomach ache

Many print media warn young mothers about the need for a diet while breastfeeding.

Mom's nutrition directly affects the well-being of the child.

But, despite the warnings and attempts of nursing mothers to stick to a diet, the problem still does not disappear and methods of treating colic do not lose their relevance. Moreover, a remedy that instantly soothes one baby may not have any effect on the digestive system of another. What is the most common and effective remedy if a baby has a stomach ache?

First of all, mom's diet will help to cope with the problem. A list of allowed foods should be drawn up and hung on the refrigerator as a reminder.

Several ways: how to quickly relieve tummy pain in a child

Spasms in a baby can be relieved with massage, move your hand along the tummy in a spiral clockwise motion.

Put on a folded heated diaper or press a small tummy to your bare belly. The warmth of the mother's body will soothe the pain.

If the tummy is humming, then you can give dill water, an infusion of pharmacy chamomile or "Espumisan", "Happy Baby", "Babyinos", "Plantex", "Baby-Kalm". The drugs should be used strictly according to the instructions; in no case should the dosage be increased!

If for a month the baby has a stomach ache all the time from birth, despite the fact that the mother follows all the prescribed diets, then perhaps she forgets to raise the baby upright for 15 minutes after feeding?

If all the conventions are met, and the problem remains, then you need to start taking medications. First, you should pay attention to what is the consistency of the baby's stool.

Constipation in an infant can be seen in two ways. Functional and organic. Functional ones can occur with a lack of fluid, dysbiosis, allergies or a lack of iron.

Organic is a developmental defect of a child, surgical intervention is necessary here.

What will help with constipation?

If the baby is a baby, then it is enough to give him the necessary amount of liquid, as much as he wants, the problem will be solved. But if the child is artificially fed, then you should not change the mixture. Early to introduce complementary foods puree, juices, give more water.

In case of constipation, you can give your child laxatives from the "Normase", "Prelax" series. They do not cause addiction. As a warm-up before feeding, you should put the baby down with his stomach, do a light massage, and move his legs.
