Have you ever experienced a breakdown after meeting with a loved one? Have you thought about what caused this and what is the reason, or did you not attach any importance to it?

The fact is that the emotional bond between two loving people is extremely strong. When we communicate with our beloved, we seem to exchange with them some material energy - invisible, but quite real. Some of us are a donor, and some are a consumer, because someone receives in return more than he gives, and because of this, an energy imbalance occurs in the body of such a “donor”, he begins to feel a breakdown or even malaise.
An excellent example of this condition is unrequited love. A person who is unrequitedly in love begins to fade before our eyes, he idealizes the object of his feelings and is ready to go to great lengths just to earn favor. A decent person in such a situation will make it clear to the lover that he will not accept any sacrifices from him and is not interested in such attention - in this situation, this is the only way to end emotional suffering. But usually everything is the other way around, and many people use the feelings of people in love with them for their own purposes in order to derive any benefit: improve their well-being, climb the career ladder, make useful contacts, and so on.
But it is not uncommon for the object of passion itself to become a victim of such circumstances - a person in love with him simply squeezes all the juices of life out of him, believing that he loves his ideal sincerely and strongly, but this is not so. He simply saturates with the energy of his beloved person, watching him or even just looking at his photographs.
Some lovers come to despair because of unrequited feelings and turn to unconventional methods of influence, namely, to damage. Most often, damage is induced at weddings, after which the groom or bride begins to ache and fade, and in family life problems arise, seemingly from scratch, and a black streak comes: quarrels, betrayal, problems with conception, problems with potency in men and libido in women. In such cases, few people suspect about sexual vampirism.
But how can you avoid such situations? We recommend that you only have sexual relations with the person for whom you have romantic feelings and who has them for you. In this case, the correct energetic connection will be established between you, in which the emotional return will be equal to the emotions you receive. With such a connection, after intimacy with a person, you should have only positive emotions, there should not be fatigue, loss of strength and poor health or mood.
Avoid mentally unstable people who take an interest in you. Take care of yourself and your mental health, then you will live in harmony with yourself, your body and the world around you.