How To Be A Good Husband

How To Be A Good Husband
How To Be A Good Husband

Table of contents:


I don't know if men ask themselves the question of how to be a good husband, but it seems to me that when they marry for love (at least for the first time), they, at least for the first time, are sincerely trying to do it. But it doesn't always work out. Why? And what to do?

How to be a good husband
How to be a good husband


  • love
  • patience
  • mind
  • humor


Step 1

Love your wife sincerely. This is already half the battle.

If you feel that this is your half, then think about whether you are making an effort to make her feel happy. Are you working? Wonderful! (even if he didn’t work, women thought in this place) Just don’t be cunning - you are working for yourself, for your self-realization, and the fact that you give part of the money you earn to the family budget is not a feat, gentlemen. This is the norm of life, and therefore we will not talk here about the fact that a good husband brings money to the family. The bad one also bears. Or he is not a husband at all, but so - a fiction.

A good husband doesn't just work and make money. He does it in a meaningful way. He knows what his family is lacking and wants to spend the money he earns on solving these problems.

Step 2

Hence the conclusion - a good husband not only brings home a paycheck, revealingly throwing it on the table with the words: "Do not deny yourself anything, dear." He knows exactly what, why and why his beloved and his children want.

Bicycle to son, because all the boys in the yard laugh when he tries to keep up with them in his tricycle? New dress for your daughter because your best friend is sporting a pink satin dress with a bow? A computer, because without the Internet a 15-year-old teenager feels like he has no hands and travels to the other side of the city to see his friend Vasya? Fitness center membership because your wife wants to keep her body young and healthy? Rejuvenating procedures in a beauty salon, because her 35 is no longer 18? A new car because this one is constantly being repaired? A new apartment because the old one is not overcrowded?

Do you know what your loved ones need?

If you know and understand that this is not a whim, but a necessity, try to give it to them (and not climb the Internet without a specific goal, or vice versa, with a specific, but not particularly correct).

Step 3

Don't change.

That's unexpected, right? But if you really want to be a good husband, then don't look around. After all, cheating is when you give a part of yourself to another woman. Do not lie to yourself at least that this is not so. You give her not only your body, you give her your thoughts, your warmth, your time, emotions and money. And all this does not lead to the strengthening of marital relations, you understand that. And if your wife loves you, she will feel it. Even if he is silent. But it will hurt her. And even if she trusts you completely and she has nothing of the kind in her thoughts, you will know that you are not faithful. And your conscience will not give you rest. You will be angry, nervous, silent, irritated. What's so good about that?

Well, if you are a believer, then you must remember that cheating is a sin. Anyway.

Step 4

Take on some of her responsibilities. At least sometimes. Meet the kids from school. Just like that (they are your children). Take out the trash. No reminder. Go to a grocery store and from there call her with a question - what to buy? Or ask her to send her an SMS with a list. Pay your apartment bills. In general, whatever - even the dishes are not a sin to wash, if you see that her mountain, and his wife came home from work with full bags, hungry and tired.

Step 5

Take part in raising children. This does not mean that you have to grab your belt and read the notation loudly. Also, it is not necessary, and vice versa, to overwhelm the children with goodies and allow them to do everything that the mother usually forbids. I'm talking about something else - take an interest in the life of your children, their problems, circle of contacts and interests. Well, their health. If your baby is awake for the 5th night in a row because his teeth are teething, let your wife go to sleep. At least for an hour. Yes, this screaming wet alien is your son. So this is not such a feat - to be alone with him for an hour so that the beloved will gain strength.

Step 6

Arrange surprises at home. Give your wife flowers. Buy movie tickets. Just buy her a beautiful thing - a scarf, a handbag, underwear, earrings. She will be pleased. Yes, you will experience a few awkward minutes in the store. But how will you be rewarded for that! And how the saleswomen will envy your wife!
