Learning Not To Yell At A Child

Learning Not To Yell At A Child
Learning Not To Yell At A Child

Often walking down the street, you come across parents who loudly shout at their children: “Why are your clothes so dirty? Don't you know how tired I am? Children, not understanding why mothers yell at them, cry. They do not understand why they could have made their mother so angry. Of course, sometimes you need to shout a little at the child, but you need to know in what cases to do this.

Learning not to yell at a child
Learning not to yell at a child

If a child accidentally breaks something, is that a reason to yell at him? And there are many other situations when you should not irritate yourself or your baby. It is better to explain to him why his mother is unhappy with his behavior, and ask him not to do this anymore, let him promise.

All mothers know that boys and girls need to be raised differently. The father should be an example, the son in the future will copy his behavior. A girl can be brought to tears by screaming, and in the future she will be notorious, but this will not add to her self-confidence.

The cry "breaks" the child's psyche, which has not yet fully formed. Some children withdraw into themselves, others behave disgustingly: they are rude, snap, and so on. Parents of such children do not enjoy authority.

If you couldn't restrain yourself, and you yelled at your child, then you need to explain to him why, because the baby may think that you no longer love him. By talking to your child, you can achieve a good result - it will bring you closer. There is no need to shout for any offense, the child will not want to learn anything new, fearing that for failure, the parents will start to offend him again.

If something does not work out for the baby, then you just need to direct him in the right direction. Let him feel that his parents will always support him. You need to respect a child, no matter how old he is.

When there is no strength to endure the child's bad behavior, then before yelling at him, you need to warn him about it: "If you do not calm down now, then I can inadvertently scold you." The child will understand that there is no need to bother his mother when she is in this state.

Breaking the psyche of a child from childhood, parents complicate his life. Such children solve all problems with fists and swearing. Children must be loved and then they will answer you in kind.
