How To Gently Potty Train A Child. 7 Ways

How To Gently Potty Train A Child. 7 Ways
How To Gently Potty Train A Child. 7 Ways

The child is 1, 5 years old, and his diaper stays dry for a long time. You can gradually start potty training. We interest and unobtrusively involve the baby in the process!

How to gently potty train a child. 7 ways
How to gently potty train a child. 7 ways

First of all, we select a comfortable pot. You should not use a musical one - the child may develop a reflex to this particular melody. Play games, in the form of cars and horses, are also used with caution. Excessive details will distract the kid from the main task.

Forming a conditioned reflex

While you hold the baby over the bathtub to pee, each time say the characteristic sounds "pss-pss". If you see what you are going to do on a large scale, then, accordingly, "aa-aa". When you start potting, these sounds will tune your baby in the right way.

Load the machine with cubes, take it with your child to where you have a pot and let him unload it there. Unconsciously, this process is associated with going to the toilet.

Watching cartoons and doing it there

Before you invite your child to sit on the potty, let him watch cartoons on this topic. Children often repeat the actions of cartoon characters.

Poster with drawings

Place a beautiful instruction poster where you plan to potty. Together with him, consider the drawings, comment. Praise your baby if he wants to sit on the potty too.

The child is nervous and flatly refuses to sit on the potty

Set up a small toy house. You can buy or make yourself from cardboard. If your baby likes to sit in it, put a pot there. In a cozy, closed space, the child will be calmer and, therefore, much easier to focus on the process.

Own example

Put the pot in the toilet and go there to do your business, take your child with you. Offer to repeat after you. An effective way, since children absorb all the actions of their parents like a sponge.

We connect the dad

Children usually react very well to their father's voice and perceive his words much better than their mothers. Let dad put it on the pot and explain to the kid what it is for and what needs to be done. The Pope needs to show moderate persistence.

We use our favorite toy

Better to get two pots. Arrange a toilet game. Sit down on one toy and tell me why she is sitting here and what she will do now. Try adding water discreetly. And persuade to do the same and crumbs.

If the child categorically refuses to sit on the potty, stop trying for ten days. In no case do not scold - this will provoke stubbornness and delay the desired result. Be sure to praise if you succeed. You can teach it playfully, but it's still not worth turning into a game. The kid should be aware that going to the potty is not self-indulgence, but a serious and necessary action.
