Potty training is a very difficult process for both the baby and his parents. There are no specific deadlines for this moment, since each child has an individual growing up process. Consider how to potty train your child.

1. It is more difficult to train a child who has worn diapers from birth to potty use.
Moms and dads should take this into account. To make it easier later, you need to give up diapers as early as possible.
2. In addition, it takes longer for boys to get used to the pot. it is more difficult for them to learn to control muscles than girls.
3. It is best to teach your child to sit on the potty as soon as he has learned to sit on his own, and this happens closer to 7 months.
4. First, you need to teach your child to sit on the potty for at least 10 minutes.
A child up to a year does not yet feel the work of his intestines and bladder: they empty themselves as soon as they are full. However, the child begins to groan, and then freezes. And it is at the moment of grunting that it is very important to put the child on the potty.
5. When the child is one and a half years old, he can already endure, though not for long, no longer than one and a half to two hours. It is important at this age to regularly plant it on a pot.
6. An important point is the choice of the pot itself: it is better for girls to choose a pot that has a rounded shape, and for boys - an oval one.
Pay attention to the material of the pot: the first pot of the child must be made of plastic. Iron pots can cause discomfort to the baby, be cold. It is important that the pot has a back and is comfortable.
7. Be logical and patient.
Despite the fact that every mother wants to quickly teach her child to the potty, you should not be too zealous in this. Otherwise, you can get your child to react negatively to the potty.