Many parents believe that they know literally everything about their child. In addition, it seems to many that they know exactly when certain changes in the child's life should occur. Almost everyone knows at what point in his life the baby is trying to walk or pronounce words. But the moment when, and most importantly, how to start the process of potty training, is known to few.

Step 1
The period of familiarization of the baby with the pot is different for everyone. Some of the mothers can do this with a one-year-old baby, while others can do it much later. The most important thing here is to pay attention to the characteristics of his child, whether he is ready for independence, whether he knows how to listen to what his parents tell him and follow their advice.
Step 2
If, before you decided to potty train your child, he wore diapers, remove them from him, let the little researcher examine his body. He must know for what purposes the genitals serve him at this stage of life. This is how the child will be able to see the whole process of ridding the body of unnecessary substances and correlate his urges with subsequent recovery. In addition, the baby will not need to remove anything from himself before sitting on the potty - this can significantly speed up the entire learning process.
Step 3
Leave the potty within the child's line of sight at all times. He should familiarize himself with it, perhaps he will have a desire to sit on it. If the kid is trying to use the pot "for other purposes" (dragging it into his mouth, hitting it on objects), gently stop him and explain exactly what purpose it is intended for.
Step 4
Seeing that the child does not behave quite naturally (tenses, blushes a little), invite him to use the potty. At the same time, tell him exactly what he needs to do "poop or pee." Do not hesitate to express such ordinary things in words, so your baby will quickly understand what is wanted from him.
Step 5
If an "accident" occurs, there is no need to scold the baby, shout at him and forcefully put him on the pot. If you want to potty train your child at an early age, you need to be patient. Try to gently point out his mistake and show him exactly where to relieve himself next time.
Step 6
After the kid uses the pot properly, be sure to praise him, note how great he is. Seeing your positive emotions, the child will quickly compare them to his actions and understand that it is good to use peas.
Step 7
Invite your child to go to the potty immediately after he wakes up or eats (often it is at this time that the necessary intestinal functions are activated, leading to emptying).
Step 8
The most important thing in the learning process is to have a calm environment around. It is unlikely that the child will agree to use the pot when strangers are nearby or everyone is shouting. The training process is quite laborious, and parents need to be prepared for the fact that various "surprises" will arise throughout the apartment. However, patience and sincere love for the baby will help to cope with all difficulties, and the subsequent result will be your little common achievement.