By the age of three, you need to teach your child to potty and completely abandon diapers. How can this be done?

One of the most effective methods will take a lot of your time and patience. It is called "wet tights". Stock up on pants, shorts, and tights in large quantities. You need to potty train your child with this method at home and when it's warm, so as not to leave the familiar environment for a long time.
Explain to your sweetheart that he has already grown out of a diaper. So now, when you want to go to the toilet, you need to tell your mother, and it is better to take off your pants and sit on the potty yourself. Of course, after a while you will observe a wet bottom, but do not change the child's clothes right away. Wait five to ten minutes. Make your baby feel uncomfortable. Don't do it ostentatiously, pretend you're busy. Like, now I'll be free and change. After a few days, you will see the result. Even if the child does not start asking to go to the toilet, then it will definitely take off his pants. This method will take about two weeks.
"The bear wants a potty" is the second method. If your child categorically does not accept the pot, then this method is for you. The best way to get used to this method is with toys. Periodically plant your favorite toys on the pot, and after a while, shouting: "Hurray, it turned out" toss them up. Over time, the child will join the game and start repeating after you. After a while, invite the baby to sit on the potty himself. After he is done with all his deeds, praise him and give him a toss. In this case, it is necessary that the baby does not write for a long time before.
The third method is "example". Children are happy to copy adults, but if this method is unacceptable for you, ask the same children to show an example. The bulk of kindergarten children very quickly abandon diapers and sit on the potty, because they follow an example from each other. If everyone goes to the pot, then yours will go. Since someone doesn’t have a diaper on, then yours doesn’t need it either. Domestic babies with diapers say goodbye much longer. If you do not go to the garden, then more often go to visit the same children.
In Europe, two-year-olds are potty trained with books that contain pictures of the digestive system and the bowel movement itself. It depicts people and animals and describes their differences. The child himself studies everything in detail, and then he is offered to check on himself how this happens.