Some girls do everything in order to please men, but, unfortunately, they do not know how to succeed with them. It seems that both the figure is good, and is dressed beautifully, but, for some reason, males do not run for such a "tidbit". It turns out that a beautiful figure is not all that men like.

External data: there should be a measure in everything
Of course, they meet a person by their clothes, so a self-respecting girl still needs to keep an eye on her figure, but in addition to her figure, she should also dress beautifully: competently emphasize the dignity of her figure and hide its flaws. Clothes do not have to be branded and expensive, the main thing is that they are clean, tidy and appropriate. Excessively defiant outfits cause only one thing in men. To be vulgarly dressed does not mean to please a man. The same goes for makeup. Tons of cosmetics may hide some flaws, but they certainly won't betray beauty. Men will give preference to a girl who is not wearing makeup, since they will not have to guess what is hidden under a thick shell of makeup.
Most often, when they see a girl with thick makeup, the representatives of the stronger sex immediately begin to think that, since they are so heavily painted, it means that they are ugly.
What else do men like about women, besides the figure
In addition to the figure, the girl should have other advantages. Agree, no one needs a beautiful wrapper with a void inside. It should be interesting with a girl, she should be able to actively participate in a conversation, be versatile, have her own opinion and be able to defend it.
A man needs to be able to interest him, and not only with his body.
But the intelligence of the girl is not all. Men are greedy for appearance, and, often, for a beautiful face and a good figure, they are ready to endure a narrow-minded mind. But no man will tolerate an unkempt and unkempt girl. Men love cleanliness. If a girl is untidy, rarely bathes, is indifferent to her appearance, can walk for a week in the same dirty jeans, waiting for signs of attention from men is useless. On an instinctive level, a man chooses a girl who will be a good housewife, who can keep her house, herself, and the children, and the man himself clean.
That is why we can safely say that a beautiful figure is not the only thing that men like. In addition to all of the above, girls should be charming and attractive. We must also not forget that almost every person is destined for a couple, so if you have not met a man yet, then that one and only one will meet you a little later.