Is It True That Everything In Life Comes Back Like A Boomerang

Is It True That Everything In Life Comes Back Like A Boomerang
Is It True That Everything In Life Comes Back Like A Boomerang

Mankind knew about the boomerang effect in ancient times, when boomerangs did not exist yet. The modern name for the subtle interconnection of events does not in the least change the essence of the law.

Is it true that everything in life comes back like a boomerang
Is it true that everything in life comes back like a boomerang

It's hard to call life predictable. However, if you look closely, you can see the relationship between a person's actions and events in his life. This connection is so subtle that it can be difficult to trace. To denote the interdependence of everything that happens in life, the concept of "boomerang effect" is adopted.

What is the essence of the boomerang effect?

The essence of this effect is as follows: from day to day, a person continuously sends a huge number of "boomerangs" into the world, these can be certain actions or words, feelings or even thoughts. Everything sent sooner or later returns: in the heat of the moment, abandoned evil words can return tomorrow or in five years, they can be altered and hit with the loss of a bonus or the loss of a valuable thing.

If you send something good with a boomerang, it will definitely return in much larger volume. Negative actions and thoughts, thrown by a boomerang, return as hard blows of fate. It is difficult to imagine how many times a day an ordinary person has bad thoughts and emotions. It becomes clear why a huge number of lives and destinies are filled with difficulties and bitterness.

True or Fiction?

One can doubt endlessly, but the boomerang effect still works, the main thing is to see a subtle connection between events. “As you sow, so you reap” - the old saying perfectly expresses the principle of the boomerang effect. And there are many such phrases that originate in antiquity. Even the Bible contains words that support the theory that everything returns.

How to use the boomerang effect to your advantage

If you think sensibly, then it is not difficult to understand the following truth: according to the boomerang law, everything given will sooner or later come back, having changed and increased in volume. It turns out that with the help of the effect, you can significantly improve the quality of your life.

The boomerang effect actually works very simply: if something is missing, for example money, you have to give it back. It sounds ridiculous, but it is. If there is a catastrophic shortage of hard coins in the house, you need to go and give half of what there is to those people who are in a more deplorable situation.

Is there little love in life? This means that you need to give your love to someone. For example, a lonely grandmother next door. Give should be sincere, not at all hoping for a quick return. Of course, everything will return, but it is important for the Universe with what attitude people do good deeds.
