Nowadays, gentlemen are not born, they become. But is it enough to be courteous or noble to be called a true gentleman? In order to recognize a gentleman, there are several basic rules.

Characteristics of a gentleman
The first rule says: under no life circumstances a gentleman should show his emotions, confusion. Dramaticism, vanity, personal worries about the hardships of life are not for him. But the constant improvement of his knowledge, the desire to know the world around him in all its manifestations - this is what a gentleman is constantly striving for.
Rule number two: if you want to be a gentleman, change your communication style. Communication is one of the prerequisites for creating a good impression of yourself. And here you need to have an impressive vocabulary arsenal, good manners, so as not to stoop to the language of the streets.
The third rule is about good manners. A true gentleman does not need to be told that it is indecent to spit on the floor, make loud growls, and use obscene words. Even a handkerchief should be used by a gallant man unnoticed by others.
It's time to talk about the appearance of a real gentleman. According to rule number four, to be on top, you need to walk naturally, lightly, with your head held high.
A gentleman is known in communication with a woman
A true gentleman is always polite, attentive and courteous to women. For him, giving up a seat to a lady or getting up when she enters the room is natural and not feigned. Wherever a man is: at a dinner party, with friends or at a business reception, he behaves like a gentleman. You can recognize a gentleman precisely by how he treats the weaker sex. It was a simple but necessary rule number five.
Rule six: good manners and good manners do not mean that you need to always keep your emotions shut. A true gentleman has a great sense of humor, but will never allow himself to laugh at others. To escort a woman to the front door is the sacred duty of a gentleman. But only she has the right to decide whether to enter his house or not.
A modern gentleman can afford not to wear French cufflinks, a coat of moderate length, a cane, but he must speak foreign languages, be familiar with art, classical music, and play golf. Manners, graceful gestures, beautiful gait should come from the inside, complementing the image of a true gentleman. A true gentleman is a person who, even if he stumbles, will not utter a bad word.