A gentleman is called a well-mannered, balanced representative of the stronger sex with a gallant attitude towards women. There are certain characteristics that distinguish him from other men.

A real modern gentleman is distinguished by neatness, neatness in clothes. His style is usually reserved. Such men prefer classic or casual clothes. All wardrobe items of this gallant representative of the stronger sex should be clean and ironed. After all, this young man is very careful how he looks. His self-esteem does not allow him to appear in old jeans, a stretched sweater and dirty shoes.
Also, a gentleman, unlike some of the stronger sex, takes care of his appearance. A neat haircut, clean nails, well-groomed skin, a modest perfume give it away a person who tries to be pleasant in everything. It's hard to imagine a gentleman who smells bad or walks around with a dirty head.
Such a man pays attention even to the little things - underwear and accessories. Some gentlemen sometimes wear ties, pocket squares, cufflinks. This will favorably distinguish them from men who are not dressed with such care.
In all the appearance of a gentleman, his sense of dignity is manifested. He tries to control the manifestation of his own emotions, he will never humiliate himself to a scandal or an impartial conversation. This man simply cannot afford to stoop in front of other members of society. Calmness and composure are the hallmarks of a gentleman.
In relations with women, this young man also behaves very decently. He will not cheat or take advantage of a woman. The word "honor" for him is not an empty phrase. While other men find it easy to get involved in a one-off relationship, a gentleman simply isn't able to dump his girlfriend right after a night of love.
In addition, such a man is distinguished by pleasant manners and knowledge of the rules of etiquette. Therefore, next to a gentleman, a woman feels like a queen. Such a young man will not forget to open the door for the girl and let her go ahead. He will not sit on public transport if there is a lady nearby. You will never hear a swear word from a true gentleman, because he follows his vocabulary.
Going on a date with such a young man, you can be calm: he will behave with dignity, will not interrupt you, will give you a coat and in any case will walk you home. Unfortunately, not all men have the above qualities. Some modern guys can afford tantrums, neglect, and rudeness. The good news is that real gentlemen are still not extinct.