Bed Rest During Pregnancy. How To Pass The Time

Bed Rest During Pregnancy. How To Pass The Time
Bed Rest During Pregnancy. How To Pass The Time

Unfortunately, during pregnancy, there are situations when the doctor asks to restrict himself in movements, in other words, prescribes bed rest. Not all expectant mothers find such forced inaction easy.

Bed rest
Bed rest

It seems that time goes by infinitely slowly. My husband has been away from home for ages, although he left for work only two hours ago. Familiar feelings? Don't panic! Try to look at this problem from a different angle. In fact, there are a lot of interesting activities around, for which you may not have had the time before.

1. Remember when was the last time you picked up a good book? Not a glossy magazine or tabloid press, but a book. Now, now is the time to read. The modern market offers many interesting publications. You can read anything you want: from classics to children's literature and books about raising future kids. The only recommendation is that you do not need to turn to bloody detectives and too heartbreaking novels, so as not to drive yourself into depression.

2. Lying in bed, you can start learning a foreign language. Who knows, perhaps by the end of pregnancy, you will master it perfectly? Or not necessarily the language, but something else that you are interested in: knitting, macrame, origami, whatever.

3. Nobody forbids you to conquer the Internet, communicate with friends and find new acquaintances, for example, in various forums for expectant mothers. However, this should not be abused.

4. Finally, you have time to call all your relatives and friends who are constantly offended by rare communication. Talk to them longer, discuss all the gossip and news. If you want, invite an old friend, whom you haven't seen for a long time, just warn you that you need peace.

Attention! During bed rest you cannot:

- Eat a lot. In general, it is better for pregnant women to eat lean meat and vegetables, and even more so during restricted movement.

- A lot of sleep, so that the evening came faster and my husband came. Nighttime sleeplessness can be the consequence.

- Watching TV a lot, especially programs about murders, crimes and sick children. You don't need to be upset and afraid at all.

Do not despair, you will soon return to your usual way of life, and you will often miss the days when you could lie in bed for hours.
